The Bench

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"Dylan stop it!" You whined as your best friend Dylan dragged you over to his friends. You were very nervous about meeting them because, well, they were all celebrities, and you didn't want to stick out. "No cmon y/n I really want you to meet them." As you approached his friends you stopped struggling, realizing there was no point anymore. "Hey guys, meet y/n." You waved shyly. "Y/n, meet Kaya, Will, Ki Hong, Dexter, and Thomas." They all waved back, more confident then you. "Its nice to finally meet you." Kaya spoke. "Yeah, Dylan talks about you a lot." Dexter added on. "It's nice to meet you all too." You smiled, feeling less awkward. "Really? Cuz a few minutes ago you were-" Dylan started, but you interrupted him by elbowing him in the gut, causing him to let out s very pained noise. "Anyways, how long have you been in the city?" You asked trying to be polite. "Only a few hours, as soon as we got off the plane Dylan ditched us to go find you and told us to meet you here. And since this is our first time in this city, we got lost about 3 times." Thomas said as they all gave Dylan an annoyed stare, including you. "Really Dyl?" Dylan let out a slight worried laugh and shrugged. "What, I was excited okay?" You rolled your eyes. "Well now I can see why Dylan likes you so much, your very pretty." Thomas said with a wink, and it created butterflies in your stomach, after all, he was devilishly handsome and charming too. "Oh cmon Thomas, you haven't even known the girl for five minutes and your already flirting with her?" Ki Hong shoved him slightly. "Well let's change that, I know this city like the back of my hand, anywhere you guys wanna go?"

A few months later

You decided to go to a party for the maze runner cast, since they deserved it after all their hard work. Everyone seemed to be having fun. You sat down on the couch with a drink in your hand, not a minute later, Dylan joined you. "Can I help you?" You asked giving him a look. "Are you sad that Thomas hasn't noticed you?" Honestly, you were. Thomas had become a really close friend of yours over the past few months, and a while ago you developed these stupid feelings for him that you just couldn't shake off. "Whatttt... Psh... No? Why would I be?" Dylan laughed and rolled his eyes. "You can't fool me y/n." You sighed standing up. "Whatever, I think I'm just gonna head home." You grabbed your purse and headed for the door but Dylan stopped you. "Come for a walk with me first before you go." You knew how stubborn Dylan was so you thought it would be a lot easier just to go along with it. "Fine." You both walked out the door and once you were outside you walked down this really beautiful path. You turned a corner to see Thomas sitting on a bench a few meters away. He was alone, playing with the cuff on his sleeve. You paused. "Oh hey look, it's Thomas." Dylan smiled. "Dylan, did you know he was going to be-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before Dylan started dragging you over to him. "Hey Tommy!" Dylan said as you both sat down. "Uh, hey guys." He smiled looking a bit surprised. There was a few seconds of silence before Dylan looked over at you and winked. You mouthed "what?" And before you could do anything else Dylan jumped up "Ki Hong, now!" And before you knew it Ki Hong jumped out from behind the bench and handcuffed Thomas to it. While you were distracted by that, Dylan did the same to you. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" Thomas said struggling to free himself. Dylan then held up a key. "You will get this when you both-share something, like-oh never mind I think you know what I mean." The two of them ran away leaving you and Thomas attached to the same bench. "What is the matter with them." You mumbled under your breath. That was not cool of the two of them, trapping you with your crush. "What are we going to do?" Thomas said scratching his head with his free arm. That's when you thought of something. "I got it!" You said almost startling Thomas, and yourself a little. "Well what is it?" He said impatiently. "I have a bobby pin in my hair, I need you to get it for me." Thomas gave you an odd look, but agreed. You then moved closer to him so he could reach it. You felt his cold hands swipe across the back of your neck and into your hair which gave you chills, but in a good way. You could tell he was trying to be gentle and not ruin your hair, but honestly, you didn't care. You felt his hand go down to your shoulder and you turned around to face him. He brown eyes were now very close to yours. You hadn't even noticed that he was holding the bobby pin out for you to take. You both froze, like time was moving at an entirely different pace. You reached out to take the pin when he leaned in and kissed you. It was soft and sweet, but at the same time you felt like there were a million fireworks exploding in your stomach. He pulled away and you awkwardly took the bobby pin. While unlocking the hand cuffs all you could do was smile, luckily so was he, so that made you feel a little better. Once you were both released you walked back to the party together. "Wait, when you kissed me, were you just trying to get out of the hand cuffs? Did you even mean it?" You asked feeling doubtful. He just shook his head and laughed. "Love, you do realize that by the time I kissed you, you already had the bobby pin, plus when Dylan left us here, he wasn't just talking to you." You smiled feeling quite stupid. "How long have you had feelings for me?" You grabbed Thomas's hand. "Since I first laid my eyes on you when Dylan introduced us." You blushed. "That reminds me, when we find Dylan I am going to kill him!" You both laughed. "Can I help?" Thomas said smirk. As you turned one last corner you bumped into Dylan. "Oh um... Hey guys, h-hows it going?" Dylan stuttered. You both have him an angry look, then held up your intwined hands to display that the two of you were now an item. "Well, looks like my plan worked then, so I guess you should be thanking me." Dylan said scratching the back of his head with a nervous smirk. You and Thomas both shared a glance and charged at Dylan. You picked him up by the arms and Thomas grabbed him by his feet. Dylan tried to squirm his way out of your grip but it was to tight. You carried him over to the same bench he had handcuffed the two of you to. Thomas held him down while you cuffed him to the bench, not forgetting to take the key out of his pocket. You both stood back, feeling satisfied with your work. "Haha... very funny, now do you mind setting me free please?" Dylan asked struggling. "What do you think y/n? Think we should free him?" Thomas leaned over and asked you. "Meh, not yet." You said playing along. "Well then, I think we have a party to get back to love." Thomas said holding out his arm for you to take. You wrapped your arm around his and headed back to the party, leaving Dylan still stuck to the bench.

A/n: Sorry, this imagine is sorta all over the place and might be a little confusing, but I just like to keep mine more original so I hope you like it! :)

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