Premiere Night

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You woke up to your best friend Kaya shaking you awake. "What?" You whined in annoyance. "You have to get ready to go to the premiere with me!" Kaya had just finished filming The Maze Runner and there was going to be a premiere party today that you agreed to attend with her. "Ugh, fine." You said getting out of your warm bed. You weren't really a fancy person so you didn't enjoy having to dress up in nice dresses and super high heels while being covered in makeup and hairspray, it just wasn't your thing. Though, Kaya was your best friend so you had to go support her. "Here, I picked out your entire outfit for you, so all you have to do is put on a smile and look gorgeous." She said pulling the dress out of the bag. It was a silky light blue strapless dress that went down to your knees. "Thanks Kaya, it's pretty." You said putting it on. "Pretty? No no no, you look flawless." She smiled as she zipped it up. She then pulled out a matching pair of heels and held them out for you to put on. "Whoa, I can't walk in those!" You exclaimed staring at them. "Oh cmon, just try them on." You agreed and put the heels on. Wearing heels always made you feel so much taller then you actually were. "I gotta say, they are a bit uncomfortable." You stared into the mirror as Kaya stood next to you. "Hey, pretty hurts." She then did your makeup and hair, you told her nothing to fancy, so she just did quite a simple look, You had a fair amount of make up on and your hair was slightly curled. "Lets go!" Kaya said as the two of you walked out the door.

At the Premiere

You stood all alone in the crowded room as Kaya was being interviewed by some reporter. You kept staring down at your phone, hoping this night would go by sooner so you could go back home and change into your pyjamas. You sipped the drink in your hand as you saw someone approaching you. "Hello." He spoke with a British accent. "Hi, Thomas, right?" He gave you a kind smile. "Indeed I am, and you are?" He asked. "Y/n." You shook hands. Kaya had talked about Thomas a few times, and you knew that he played Newt in the movie, but he was a lot cuter in person. "Well y/n, what is a beautiful girl like you doing over here all alone?" You smiled considering a famous actor, who was quite attractive, just called you beautiful. "I um, am here with Kaya, and she was over there being interviewed a few moments ago, but now I don't know where she went." Thomas let out a small laugh. You then saw a group of paparazzi coming your way. "Uh, Thomas." You said pointing behind him. He turned around and quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you out of that room and into a hallway. You both ran, laughing. "Im sorry about that love." He said catching his breath. "It's okay, they are only here because a movie you made, it doesn't surprise me that they want to talk to you." Thomas gave you a crooked smile as you walked down the hallway. "Thanks for understanding." You then winced as you stared down at your feet. The heels may look good on you but the pain wasn't worth it. Thomas noticed and grabbed your hand once more, taking you outside this time. There was a nice garden with a bench, and the two of you sat down. You took your shoes off and set them down beside you. "Better?" He asked politely. "Much better." You smiled. The two of you began talking about anything and everything. You hadn't even noticed how late it was getting. "You know, most girls I meet don't usually like to have intelligent conversations, normally they just ask for my autograph or a picture or something and run off. I'm not trying to sound rude, but why didn't you?" Thomas stared at you with curiosity. "Well for starters, I'm best friends with Kaya, if I wanted an autograph and picture, I would be able to get one no problem." Thomas laughed with a cheeky smile. "And also, I think that celebrities deserve to be left alone when they are out or busy doing something, I wouldn't ask you for your autograph unless it wouldn't bother you, and don't get me started on paparazzi, I hate those people, so nosy." Thomas put his hand on your knee. "It's funny how much you understand, yet none of this has ever happened to you." You shrugged. Thomas then leaned in to kiss you, but was stopped when Kaya ran over to you. "There you both are!" Thomas stared up at Kaya, with a slight look of disappointment and frustration in his eyes. "Cmon Thomas, everyone has been looking for you, we have to take a cast photo." You and Thomas both stood up. "It was a pleasure meeting you y/n." Thomas said extending his arm. You shook his hand and he slipped a piece of paper into yours. Once Kaya and Thomas left you opened the note.

I had fun with you tonight, hopefully I will get to see you again ;) -Thomas

Below that there was a phone number and you couldn't help but smile. You were really glad that Kaya made you come to this premiere.

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