Chapter 1

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The sunlight woke me before my alarm did, unfortunately. That left me with more time to overthink.
Today's the day.
I'm going to talk to her.
She was the prettiest girl in school, at least in my eyes. And every other persons. Every morning before classes she was crowded around by a whole swarm of species trying to win her over. She never gives them the time of day, though. Of course she's nice, but I've overheard her say that she has a "type." Not sure what type that is, but if dad had any say in it he'd tell me to go for it.
So I did. I was going to make dad proud.
I sat on the foot of my bed and stretched before going and changing into the nicest flannel I could find before walking over to the mirror.
You can do this, Ian! I believe in you!
Although he had never said those words to me directly, I could hear dad's voice ringing in my ears.
Here we go.
I gave Barley and Mom a hug before heading out the door, and with every increasing step towards the building my anxiety pulsed through my veins.
I made it to the second floor, where our lockers were, and started towards her group.
I'm going..
I'm going...
I'm.... not going!
I immediately veered toward my locker across the hall before even brushing by one of the cyclops' next to her.
I couldn't believe myself. What would dad think if he saw me do that just now? What would Barley think??
I thought after school would be a better time, but as I turned around a miracle occurred.
She was alone.
No people surrounding her locker. No talking.
Just... her.
Damn if it were any time to talk to her it'd be now.
I puffed my chest and walked over without any second thought.
However the second she turned her face to look at me I froze like a statue.
Her (h/c) hair framed her face perfectly, and her pink lipgloss blended perfectly with her blue elven lips. As much as she intimidated me, I thought how silly it was that she was shorter than me. She wore a (f/c) dress and funky boots, capturing her confident style without a second guess.
Before I could open my mouth, a giant smile sprawled on her face.
"Hey, Ian!"
Did I just hear her right? I must've been dreaming or deaf or something because I think I just heard my name come off of those perfect lips.
"O-oh! Hey uhh.. (y/n)!" I said nervously.
"What's up?! I haven't talked to you in forever. Wait- heyyy how crazy was that fight you had with the school?! Ha! It sounds so crazy out loud." (Y/n) giggled. God, it was like angels laughing.
"Yeah, pretty crazy stuff! Haha.. I-I guess that's the stuff that happens often when you're a w-wizard in training." I scratch the back of my neck.
"Wow. Ian Lightfoot: Wizard in Training. Nice ring to it!" (Y/n) shot me a wide smile just as the bell rang. "Ahh, first period. I hate it there.. I have this troll in my class that puts her foot right on the back of my seat every morning! I mean I know I'm small and all, but can you give me some room to breathe?"
I laugh without even thinking. "T-totally! I have that same problem with my first period class." I respond, glad to have found a common ground with her. Even if it was just about our troll classmates.
"Well, I'll see you around, right?" She started to back away.
"Y-yeah! M-maybe we can grab some coffee or something.. or if you like tea! Or neither! Maybe just.. a soda?"
I can't believe all that just came out of my mouth.
"Yeah, totally! I'd love that. See ya, Ian!" She turned and walked away. I watched her perfect figure wave to a few of her friends before swooping into her home room.
Reality struck me as I realized:
I really just had a full on conversation with (y/n) (l/n).
A giant smile slowly spread on my face before I laughed, fist pumping to myself before happily walking to home room.

Hey guys!
I hope you liked this story- my friends and I were jokingly writing fan fiction for each other and I got bored and decided to turn the one my friend wrote me into a real story! Hope you like it :)

(16+!!) Ian Lightfoot x Reader- A Shot in the Dark (Onward)Where stories live. Discover now