Chapter 8

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Hi friends!
This chapter contains heavy mature scenes.
Like, pretty damn heavy mature scenes.
So viewer discretion advised!


I woke up next to the fire, a smoke trailing into the early morning sky. I could see (y/n) on the other side of the fire, her back facing me and her body rising up and down as she breathed. A smile drew to my face as I sat up and stretched, when suddenly something hit my face. I looked down on the ground to see a marshmallow.
"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" Barley chirped. I hadn't noticed him by the fire roasting a marshmallow on a stick. "Breakfast!"
"Marshmallows? For breakfast?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow up.
"Not just marshmallows, brother dear;" he took the toasted sweet off the stick and placed it on a graham cracker. "S'mores."
"Barley you never cease to amaze me," I chuckled. I stood and sat by (y/n), just in time as she stirred and awoke. She turned to her back once I sat, and I hovered my head over hers.
"Mornin'" I smirked, and she smiled, her eyes splitting only half open.
"Morning, handsome." She replied, and I blushed. "What's on the agenda for today, Barley?"
Barley had a s'more stuffed in his mouth, but that didn't stop him from talking.
"We have a long road ahead of us. But before we get there we have to stop a few places." He licked the marshmallow residue from his fingers then stood. "Let's head out! We'll grab some real fuel on the way out."
I stood up and helped (y/n) up to her feet. She brushed the dirt off of her legs. She looked at her surroundings.
"Why didn't we sleep in the van?"
I shrugged. "Not sure. I can't remember much about last night."
"You remember the fireflies, right?" She asked, her eyes meeting mine. I smiled down at the gorgeous elf next to me.
"Absolutely," I replied. "What happened after that?"
"Well, we were in the grass, and you kind of fell asleep, so Barley picked you up and brought you here." She started to walk toward the van.
"Well, that's embarrassing." I chuckled, following suit.

We drove for a good five hours that day, stopping for lunch breaks and at the occasional sight-seeing monument. All the while through, (y/n) and I sat in the back of the van practicing her magic. The more experienced she was, the less likely it would be for Titania Cybele to hurt her.
At one point we had stopped at a cliff monument, and upon our way back to the van, (y/n) stopped in her tracks.
"What is it?" I asked, curious.
She didn't say anything, but jumped into the van and came out seconds later with the staff. A playful smile danced at her lips.
"I have an idea!"
Before I could question any further she jumped to the back of the van and climbed the ladder, then held her hand out for me to take. I reluctantly did so, and she helped me up.
She held the staff and took a deep breath.
"What are you guys doing up there?" Barley pokes his head out the window.
"You'll see, just drive!"
My eyes shot open wide. "What?!!!"
"Ooh adventurous, I like it!"
"Barley no-"
Before I could protest Guinevere the II has already taken off, and just when I had time to process what had happened, (y/n) grabbed my hand and stood me up.
"Bridgrigar Invisia!!"
All of a sudden I felt myself stable on an invisible platform. I looked down to see nothing but my feet planted in the air.
"Ha! It worked!" (Y/n) cheered, holding up the glowing staff and dancing around. I smiled at the sight. Her (h/l) hair was absolutely gorgeous in the wind, and I couldn't take my eyes off of her daring expression. She seemed so determined and courageous, just like any young wizard should be.
I was happy to be next to her in this moment.
I was happy to be next to her, period.
This was everything I had dreamed of, and here it was, floating next to me in an enchanted spell and moving stealthily with the wind.
I knew it right then and there:
I loved (y/n) (l/n).
And this was the day I'd tell her.
We had settled into a hotel that night instead of a campsite. An upgrade from the cold ground, I can confidently say.
We settled in and Barley had gone to Quest Mart to grab some more supplies he had forgotten from home. Leaving (y/n) and I alone in the room.
She was supposed to have taken the other bed all to herself, and Barley and I would sleep on our own, but we had already started a conversation about school and the quest and how far she had come in wizard training, and one thing led to another and she had ended up cuddled on my chest in my bed.
"Can I be honest with you?" She asked, lifting her chin and placing it in the crook of my neck.
"I've always... really liked you." She loosened her grip to prepare herself for any bad things that could have happened next, but I hugged her closer.
This was it.
"So have I, (y/n)." I took a deep breath. "A-and these past few days have really given me the chance to realize that you're the one- you always have been. And with all of this quest stuff going on I can't help but think this is all fate, so I'm just going to say it: I love you."
I was surprised by my lack of stuttering, but my anxiety levels shot up when I saw (y/n) shift her body so she was looking at me dead in the eyes.
"I..umm.. I-" I started.
Her lips cut me off, crashing into mine, and I immediately sat up, taking her with me. Our kiss didn't part as I pulled her closer, settling her into my lap for comfort. Her hand rested on the back of my head, her fingers digging into my curls as my hand found my way to her cheek. I pushed the hair on her face behind her ear and deepened the kiss even further. We pulled away slowly.
I turned to the sound of my name.
"What does this mean for us now?"
I smiled.
"What do you want it to mean?"
She smirked back.
"You tell me, boyfriend."

Well dang, I hope you guys enjoyed!
That was...something.
But I can't believe I'm saying this: if you're active please use a condom. You'll thank me later 😂
Hope you have a spectacular day!

(16+!!) Ian Lightfoot x Reader- A Shot in the Dark (Onward)Where stories live. Discover now