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Harry's POV

We walked around the garden, talking about the little things in life that pops into our head.

"So Princess, what is your favorite  color?" I ask as we walk through the rose garden full of different colored roses.

"Pink, your majesty." Her sweet voice answered.

"Pink? Not red? Or yellow?"

She shook her head. "Pink. Preferablly a light pink. I guess yellow is okay, but I strongly dislike red."

"Why is that?"

She just shrugged staring down at the red roses. "I just think its a very aggressive color. The color of blood or anger. I don't know, maybe its just me. I like light pink because its pure and soft looking....calm."

I nod and agree with her. I picked a pink rose, gently off the bush, and hand it to her.

"Be careful Princess, the thorns might hurt you."

She smiled and accepts the rose, smelling it. "It's beautiful Prince Harry, thank you."

We walked a bit further down and sat by the fountain.

"I was thinking, we can invite that friend of yours, Zayn and his Father, to your birthday ball. Would you like that?" I asked.

She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling. "I would very much like that!" She smiled brightly.

"Good, we'll start planning your ball as soon as I inform my mother. I'm sure she'll be excited. She hasn't planned a ball since my birthday. I don't know why she likes the stress but she manages to make them fun."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be the cause of her stress." She says quietly.

"I'm sure. Princess, now stop worrying." I suggested.

We cut our walk short and I aided Ella back to her room before going to visit my parents in the study. I knocked on the door and heard my mother's soft 'come in.'

"Afternoon mother, how are you?" I asked with a smile. She gives me a bit of a shocked look and silence is all that is heard for a solid minute. "What?" I asked.

"Well, I'm just astonished that my own son, who barely gives me the time of day, actually asked how I am. I'm doing well darling, just a bit bored, how was your morning tea with Ella? Were you nice to her?" She said with a small smile. I just looked at her smiling while rolling my eyes.

"Mother you are so dramatic. My morning with Ella was lovely, and yes I was nice to her. I just wanted to talk to you about a small suggestion mother, considering you're bored and all." I say.

"Oh what is it honey, should I start planning the wedding?" She asked with a bright smile. I don't know if she was joking or not but I felt my eyes widen and shook my head.

"NO, I mean no mother, thats too soon. I was just going to say that the crown princess' birthday is soon, and I wanted her to maybe have a birthday celebration ball. Maybe to introduce her as well." I see my mothers smile widening again before she nods to agree with me.

"I love that proposal Harry. That's so sweet of you to think about. Now I'm excited to finally be planning something. I will visit Bella later to discuss any details." She smiled.

"Are you uh, sure you want to plan it mother. I'm the one who suggested it to Ella and she said she did not want to cause any stress on you. She even said she's fine with just a birthday muffin." I state.

"Oh she is such a lovely girl. I will be fine! I haven't planned a birthday ball for a young lady since Gemma lived with us. It will be so much fun!" She said excitedly, walking around the desk to give me a hug. Its been awhile since she hugged me, and I felt the warmth in it as I hugged her back.

"Okay, I understand. I need to leave now mum, I have somewhere to be." I said. We break apart and she smiles up at me while patting my cheek, and as she goes back to her desk, I left the study.

I think about Gemma as I am walking to my room. It's been a while since I wrote to her. I wonder if she is doing well with her husband James. All I can think about is if she is happy or not considering the relationship was arranged. I can only hope she is happy. Thinking about it now, I decided to write to her once I go to my room.

I walked past Ella's room where her door was slightly ajar, and silently walked back to peek through the door. I see her sitting down at her desk again, with the rose I gave to her on her desk. I don't know why I'm being a creep but instead I continued walking before anyone saw me, especially her lady in waiting who annoyed me to no end. I walked into my room, taking my coat off to sit at my own desk and started writing to my only sister.

Ella's POV

I was finishing my letter to Zayn, sealing it and setting it aside so I can have Anna send it off.

I jumped a bit at the sound of the door closing abruptly, and turned around to see Anna smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"The prince was peeking in your room before I walked down the hall. Well I was gonna walk down but I saw him so I may have lingered away to see what he was up too." She smirked.

"That's—" I didn't know what to say, considering I am still confused as to why he was being nice to me all of a sudden.

"It's okay Ella, if I knew he was going to do you wrong I wouldve stepped in. Maybe call Sir Shawn." Anna hummed.

"You like Sir Shawn don't you?" I smiled cheekily. Anna's eyes widened.

"I don't know what your are talking about." Anna said waving her hand around. I started laughing. "How was your walk with the Prince?" She asked.

"It was pleasant, he wasn't rude or anything. We were getting along just fine and I'm happy about it." I say smiling. Anna smiles back at me.

"Hopefully it continues and maybe we will fall in love."

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