1 September 1973
I am at Hogwarts and I am in /Slith/ SLYTHERIN! It was wierd (weird). The hat said it wanted to put me in Gryffindor with Sirius. Mother and Father would be so dissipointed (disappointed) if both of us were there. I just said Slytherin please to the hat and it said alright if your sure. I was so releaved (relieved). I sort of wanted to sit with Sirius on the train but he was sitting with his frends (friends). They are all Gryffindors. Mother and Father said I am not to consort with Gryffindors and other blood trayters (traitors). They still call Sirius a discrase (disgrace) for being in Gryffindor and liking it and having Mudblood frends (friends). I hope I will have frends (friends) soon. I know some of the Slytherins but no one in my year yet. I hope they are nice.4 October 1973
I miss Sirius. Before he came to Hogwarts we were best frends (friends). Mother and Father say that the Gryffindors have turned him agenst (against) our family. They say he is a blood trayter (traitors) and a Mudblood lover. I see him almost every day but he almost never talks to me and I know I am not sposed (supposed) to talk to him. Does being a Gryffindor really make him bad? My frend (friend), Helly says some Gryffindors are alright but most Slytherins hate them and say they are all bigheaded and up themselves. Severus Snape is horrid to me just becose (because) my brother is in Gryffindor and they dont (don't) get on. He is a third year like Sirius but in Slytherin.