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Her desires had been frozen for ages as well as her heart, locked away on the highest shelf of a gigantic old library, but she felt as if that kiss had started to warm them up again and she felt uncertain.... strange even....


Days later yet another morning began and as usual the captain woke up extremely early from a traumatic nightmare. She was surprised that she was even sleeping now she was back on land, but despite the rest she was finally getting, she hated her nightmares torturing and reminding her of the lives she took.

It didn't matter if it had been self defence or not, she had those same nightmares night after night and she knew they would never ever leave her alone again.

Looking outside to calm her mind, the sky still appeared to be as dark as the black sails on her pirate ship and she noticed that life on the island was still completely quiet. The sun was still underneath the horizon and even now during this time of the morning she could hear the last few drunk pirates roam the streets as they tried to find their tents. Some dropped onto the cold sand with their bottles in their hands while others went swimming, but either way it would always end up in trouble with men like that.

Turning to her right side, facing away from her tent opening, she let her mind wander off a bit longer until she could feel the first sunbeams onto her back. That was her cue to push herself up on her elbows and roll out of bed to get dressed.

She stretched her legs as she placed her feet onto the cold floor and walked up to the clean clothes that were laid out for her on a small chair. A freshly washed raven-blue high waist pants was matched with a loose white, high collar blouse and she smiled, knowing Samuel had washed and brought them there for her.

She used a bucket of fresh water to wipe the sweat off of her body before she got dressed and decided to start her day with a swim at the wrecks. It would help her start with an empty mind and warm up her muscles a little.

"Thank you for the freshly washed clothes, Sam." She called after him as he was eating his breakfast. He simply nodded, holding his hand up for a small wave as he let her leave. He wasn't going to stop her for some breakfast too, guessing she would probably go for a swim first.

She walked up to the wrecks fast, sneaking past all the sleeping men, and climbed her way over the rocks to head towards the sea side. She was hoping for no followers or problems on her way there. She didn't want to deal with anything or anyone during her swim. Especially not if she was as vulnerable as she would be in the water: no clothes and no weapons.

The captain put her knifes down on a dry rock once she scanned the area and started to unbutton her blouse, taking off her clothes piece by piece as she was still very aware of her surrounding. She then folded everything and put them next to her knives before diving off the rock, landing in the depths of the dark sea.

It was refreshing to her to finally find some peace on a busy island like Nassau. Everything was quiet.... the diverse animals were still doing their thing and the water was lukewarm and calm. Naida slowly closed her eyes to enjoy the comfort and floated around for quite a long time.

"Honey, honey you shouldn't be out here." A man called after a young girl floating in the ocean. "He can't see you out here."

"But the water is so calming." She whined softly, swimming back to shore.

"Please just dry off and come back to the camp, honey."

Her eyes opened again and sighed, hearing life being blown back into the island instantly.

Pulling myself out of the water and onto the rocks, I had dried myself a little before I snatched my new clothes from the stone and climbed down between two big rocks until there was a sheltered place where nobody could see me. I had unwrapped the fabric from my chest and put on my clean white blouse. Afterwards I took off my old pants and made my blouse hide my body while putting on my raven blue colored high waist pants. I then stuffed my blouse into my pants, leaving 2 buttons open like always. It had its charms. I dried my hair and made a few braids in it with colored strips of fabric through the braids while I afterwards grabbed a hold of a stroke of hair to make a bun out of it, leaving the rest of my hair hanging loose along with the braids.

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