More Problems, No Solutions

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I could see the withdrawn lust in his blue eyes as I moved a bit closer with my lips, biting on his lower lips before finally receiving the kiss I had such an urge for.

I had slid my hands over his jaw as he grabbed me by my waist, letting go of my rib cage, but then we suddenly backed off by a loud bang on the door.

"You got to be fucking joking."


Opening the door, we were signed to follow the man that had searched for us and ended up in a dinning room of another house-like building. Flint was talking to Madi who watched the burning flames with interest and Charles and I shared a weird look before we had accepted the fact we had to delay our activities and open our ears to listen to what the both of them had to say.

"Give us the room." Billy commanded out of nowhere as he walked in behind us and the other men instantly left. "I don't have the exact numbers, but it sounds as though there's already been a significant number of prisoners captured from the harbor. I assume they'll push to start the hangings right away which doesn't leave us with much time. Even with your men here, we don't have sufficient numbers to move on Nassau directly and be assured victory. But.... if we could dramatically increase those numbers-...." Billy suddenly noticed me and Charles alive in the room and watched us with a delighted and confused face expression while Madi joined the conversation.

"Increase them how?"

"The Underhill plantation. It's the largest and richest of the interior estates, and it's home to well over 200 slaves. It's well-defended. Until now, I haven't had the manpower to take it. But now, with the men we have here, I think it's possible and if we could convince even half of those slaves to join our fight, we might then actually be in a position to take back-...."

"Too long." Flint had cut him off and he didn't seem pleased. "What you're suggesting, we don't have time for that."

"Besides, it won't guarantee us that we will win that fight or it won't cause an even bigger problem." I crossed my arms and saw Billy stare at me in disbelief. He probably didn't think about the fact that if we would free those slaves, what I and Charles would be happy doing, the other slaves would be punished for what we had done and I couldn't let that happen.

Men, women and children would be separated and beaten and I know how bad that was to experience.

"It'll take a few days-...."

"The governor may be on his heels, but he won't stay that way for long. It will be days, hours maybe, before he finds a way to set his feet beneath him and retrench-...."

"And it won't take long before the governor knows Naida and I are still somewhere on this island. You think he will let her and me walk free? Nah, I don't think so." Charles confirmed before leaning against a wooden pole in the middle of the building we were in, holding eye contact with Billy.

"We need to strike quickly, directly at Nassau with as many forces as we can muster and today." Flint had made his way to Billy to look him straight in the eyes and Billy had lowered his head, pressing his lips together in frustration.

"Hang on-...."

"We are two battered fighters at the end of a long fight. The next blow struck may be a decisive one, and we have to be the one that strikes."

"Stop!!" Billy raised his voice to the man who kept interrupting him and I looked up at Charles who also had a shocked look on his face, the same as mine.

It was always common for these two to fight over what is the right thing to do, but it became exhausting to watch it happen every time they encountered each other.

I took a seat, understanding this could go on until the next fucking morning and sighing, I surveyed the scene that happened before me as Billy stood up straight and didn't appear friendly anymore.

"I prepared these men to follow Long John Silver upon his return. Now, if you assume that in his absence, that role now reverts to you.... then you assume wrong. See, my men know your name, but you weren't the one who recruited them into this. You weren't the one who led them in those midnight raids in the western plantations. You weren't the one who has lived with them and drank with them and bled with them. So in the absence of Long John Silver, the men will look to me, not you, for answers to what happens next, and I will be the one to give them those answers, not you." Flint his eyes changed from confusion to rage and his jaw clenched.

"I have become so easily set aside, have I?"

"Do you have value to me? Yes. Would your skill in a fight aid us in our efforts? Of course. But do we need you here? No. We do not." The two men examined each other from the opposite sides of the table they leaned on and I shook my head.

"You're forgetting one thing. Somewhere on an island a few days' journey from here is a chest filled with treasure buried in a secret place, and of the three men who know of that place, I may be the last one alive after today." Flint explained and Charles and I watched each other curiously and surprised.

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