Amongst Civilized Men

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"I'm with Billy in this.... if anyone cares." I raised my hand slightly when out of a sudden a knock was heard on the door and Mr. Groot stepped foot inside.

"Land on the horizon. Shall we make our approach?" Flint raised an eyebrow towards John while bending over the desk again.

"Do it. And make ready the launches. I'll lead the shore party as soon as we arrive."


Roaming through the darkness as quietly as possible Charles and I were seeking Featherstone as he was the only one to have seen Jack and Anne as last. We spotted him walking with his head high over a wooden path a little out of Nassau's center. He seemed pretty worried and a fast pace was put into his steps as he quickly moved over the ground. Right when Charles was ready to approach him, it went black before my eyes before I could warn anyone.


(POV Charles Vane)

Jerking my head to the side, I became aware that Naida was nowhere to be seen. Concern floated through my body and my knuckles went white as I clenched my fists. No track led to the fact that she had left on her own, they rather showed she was forced against her will, knowing because of the two other types of footprints. With anger I hid myself, grabbing Featherstone with a knife to his throat and pulled him into the darkness, signalling he should be silent. I swallowed all my emotions and sternly watched the man who had probably signed his name under the offered pardon as he explained what had happened and where Jack was currently at.

"They are handing him over to the Spanish?" I narrowed my eyes at the nervous man ahead of me.

"Max made mention of an exchange between the governor's men and Anne Bonny. I think Anne believes she's handing over her share of the Urca prize money in exchange for Jack's release. But by the time-...."

"By the time Anne realizes they lied to her, it'll be too late to do anything about it. You know this and here you are doing nothing." Wrath once again filled me? This time like an untameable fire, and my head filled itself with thoughts about what had happened to Naida.

"What would you have me do? Even if I could tell anyone, how the fuck is their response not, 'Hand over Jack or Nassau burns.' This is a dilemma to us how?"

"Then help me." I suggested, hoping he would be fearless enough to do so. "Help me find out where that exchange is going to be so I can stop it."


(POV Naida Jones)

I suddenly shock awake, heart pounding and gasping for air when freezing cold water was thrown into my face to wake me up from the silent darkness.

"My lord? Captain Jones, alive, as you requested." Two phantom-like figures left the room, leaving me alone with what looked like the governor.

"Good evening, Jones." He calmly spoke to me as if nothing was wrong and I just smiled sarcastically and disgusted at him.

Luckily for me, he wasn't able to kill me nor hurt me no matter how annoying I was or how badly I struggled. Civilisation had some boundaries the governor wasn't allowed to cross like killing a pregnant woman or hurt one.

Finally having my full vision back, I looked around me.

I wasn't locked up, yet.

I instead found myself in a white-walled room with a soft, light colored green sofa I was laying on and curtains with the same color as the sofa. The room looked like it could be a spare bedroom, but I knew it wasn't a bedroom, neither was it a navigation room or a big living room.

"Where is the father?"

"Oh, we are getting straight into it, aren't we?"

"You wouldn't be here on your own, he wouldn't let you." He bent over the big white colored desk which stood in the middle of the room. "I know Charles Vane was with you."

"What if I was alone?"

"You weren't. Now, don't make it hard for yourself. Maybe I will retreat the bounty on your lover's head if you cooperate."

"No, you won't." I bit back and stubbornly shook my head.

In no circumstances would I ever trust him, not even for a second. Never. Rogers had stepped away from the desk and made his way around it towards me while he slowly nodded. His eyes didn't lock mine, but instead stared down. "You don't want it to be hurt, right?" The tone he spoke up with had sent several shivers down my spine and the hair in my neck stood upright. It made my mind begin to think he couldn't give a fuck about his rules and laws. Swallowing, I tried to stand my ground and stay calm, even though inside I cared. I had no objects to defend myself with and had no way out. If he really had the mind of a psychopath, I was dead. The only thing I could do is say no and shake my head.

"That's what I thought...." A knife was pulled out of his sleeve. "Now, tell me where he is."


I perhaps had formed ideas as I saw the knife, but it would risk my life and if Charles was here, he didn't want me to risk anything.

"I told you, I wasn't with Charles. He and I.... it just didn't work out anymore. He left in the dead of night and being in the pirate's world alone, bearing Captain Vane's child with people knowing about it, they would hunt me down. Perhaps living here, safe, with a cleared name would be better."

"Why not come here during the daytime?"

"I knew if I would arrive in bright daylight, those men outside would think about the bounty on my head and try to kill me like the last time." I tried to look as innocent as possible, but I had a small chance that my eyes of a killer would betray me if the knife came any closer because I had a possibility that the threat would activate my automatic defences.

"Guards, lock her up." Confused, I watched Rogers lay away his knife with speed. "I want to see if you mean it. If you do something that has anything to do with resisting or escaping, I know you clearly don't want to throw your title away. If you stay calm and really want a good life for yourself and that damned child, then I will release you and put your name at the top of a pardon."

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