Border Between Life And Death

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I noticed I had missed way too much from the conversation and closed my eyes in disappointment, opening them again when Billy told me he was willing to explain it quickly, meaning he had seen the scene with Charles.

"I'd like to speak with the Captain alone. Now."


With understanding everyone made themselves scarce of the place Flint and the Maroon Queen were discussing an arrangement we both could provide from and so did I.

I could hear some muttered words being muted by the fabric tent sides while at the same time I had laid my tired eyes on the strong men being tutored in fighting. One caught my eye the most who trained among them, Charles.

Smiling at him overpowering a man with a long light brown beard, Charles smartly used the taller man's exhaustion against himself so he would start making mistakes in combat and be too worn out to even hit Charles back.

It was a smart trick.

Shortly being concentrated in the skirmish, my mind drifted off to Mr. Scott balancing onto the border between life and death. Perhaps it was a good idea to give him a visit as he had helped me back in Charles Town before the time Charles conquered the ship and expressed regret to me.

Reluctantly, because I didn't want to see him like this, I stepped into his wooden cabin.

He had his eyes closed and seemed like he had a little to no energy left.

Inhaling deeply, I slowly approached his bed where he was laying weakly on and I lowered myself to his height.

"Mmm, Mrs. Jones." He grunted through his pain. "I see you are doing-.... doing good."

"I'm sorry I hadn't visited you earlier. I didn't know this had happened." I softly whispered. "It would be a dick move to ask you how you are doing, but.... I'm going to ask anyway."

"Always. You always will." He chuckled, but it soon changed into coughing. "I'm doing bad as you can see."

I weakly smiled at the man in front of me who made no movement the way he once did.

"I wanted to see you before all the problems are going to begin.... thank you for taking care of me back in Charles Town." I swallowed a bit. I never knew what to say when someone was in the state of dying, I never had the chance to say anything anyway. Everyone I knew always died before my eyes as quick as lightning could strike the ocean, all slaughtered. 

"You're welcome. I would do it again.... if I had the chance."

"NAIDA!!" Flint's voice was heard from outside the cabin and out of the direction where the beach should be. I looked the way where the sounds came from before turning my gaze back to Mr. Scott.

"They need me."

"Tell Charles I will haunt him if he turns his back on you again." I grinned, shaking my head while I felt his hand on mine. "Take good care, Jones."

Suddenly a tear fell from the corner of my eye onto the blanket that was wrapped around the dying man. My duty was calling, but sitting with a man who was written down as dying seemed way more important to me. Smiling at the man, I wanted to comfort him, tell him everything would be okay.... but it wouldn't be okay. He would die either way unless a sort of miracle would happen, but in this world that had never happened before. This man would soon lose his daughter and wife, leaving them against his will.

I slowly bent over, hugging Mr. Scott before turning my heels his way, leaving the cabin before I turned around one more time to nod at him.

My way alone to the beach was short.

Strolling the way the blue ocean should be, I was stopped by Flint who jumped right in front of me. I questioned the man why he would stop me if he had asked me to come with them in the first place and Flint just stated I looked awful and wanted to walk by my side. "You know, Mr. Scott was a good man and his slow death is not what he deserved, but don't you dare to slowly start blaming yourself. You had nothing to do with it, Naida."

"I know, I'm not blaming myself." I lowered my head, watching my feet move over the smooth stones, then into the hot sand. "I'm just afraid we will lose each other. I don't want to lose all of you, I don't want us risking our lives even if we have to."

"You noticed how much you've changed?"


"You care. Aren't as reckless and fearless as before."

"And I hate it." Flint bursted into laughter before he put one of his arms around my shoulder.

The further we walked onto the bright, unsteady sand, the more silent we went.

It appeared I had to climb onto the ship again and fortunately, in the time when everything happened so quickly for my head to emotionally keep up with it, the healing of my wound went quickly as well so the climbing of the steep ship happened to be way easier than first. Alongside Flint I stood on deck and  to my surprise noticed that the daughter of the Maroon Queen was standing on the lower deck. I switched my attention back to Flint who had walked up the stairs and didn't care she was there, though I knew deep down, he cared that a stranger was on his deck. He was always more cautious.

She seemed pretty alone and I wanted to know who I was working with so it seemed like a good idea to just talk to her.

"Names Naida."

"Madi. I saw you standing beside Captain Vane and Captain Flint throughout almost the whole debate. You are a pirate as well, right?" She smiled kindly.

"Captain. Captain Jones of The Serpent's Madalion."

"Well, good to know a woman is finally important enough to be called a legend in this world." She raised her hand and I took it, shaking it strongly.

"Well, you and your mother are powerful yourselves too." I stated and as we gave each other a nod, she was called by one of her protectors who wanted to explain the rules one more time and I decided to head up the stairs next to Flint. I had no idea where Charles was, nor the rest, but at least I knew they were going with us so they had to be here somewhere, I was just too emotionally tired to go after someone so I joined Flint.

It was good to stand high and inhale some fresh air, smelling the sea's scent and having the breeze through my hair which made me see totally nothing, but it was a refreshing feeling so I didn't mind it.

It was time to think about what was going to happen.

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