Chapter Thirty-seven: Brave, Honest & Beautiful

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Sorry for the delayed update, not feeling well...

-_-_-MYOUI MINA'S POV-_-_-

I can't walk.

Do you think I'm joking? I literally can't walk. I can't even move my legs, one move and everything will be painful. Dammit! Chaeyoung really showed me that she's the top.

Here I am, laying unexpectedly fully-clothed on the couch, guess Chaeyoung decided to put a shirt and shorts for me. I am currently watching Wynonna Earp while waiting for Chaeyoung to finish cooking. Yes, she decided to cook for me. What a sweet girl, right?

I guess liking her is not a mistake, I mean have you seen her? She can be a little badass, handsome, beautiful, and adorable at the same time, all in one package. I'm so lucky.

Yesterday was so out of my league, but I guess missing the people you love, well in my case like and then finally reuniting with her, a side of you like that will show up. Today, I decided to stay in Chaeyoung's apartment to rest, my jiggly legs wouldn't cooperate when I try to stand, and then my private part is literally sore.

I wasn't supposed to tell you that but we did it like...three to five rounds and I'm surprised Chaeyoung is not even exhausted. Well besides the fact that hickeys are obviously visible, but mine is a lot, obviously Chaeyoung had really marked me yesterday, but I don't mind anyway.

The feeling of knowing that you like someone is absolutely so great. It makes you want to blurt all your feelings out but then the feeling of rejection is still there. I mean, obviously, Chaeyoung likes me back considering what she did to me, right?

How silly you are, Myoui Mina, maybe Chaeyoung doesn't fancy you. There are so-called flings and hook-ups but I don't think Chaeyoung is like that so I had to erase that thought in my mind.

" Hey, you okay? " I heard Chaeyoung asks me as she holds two plates full of delicious food. Yum!

Already a wife material, the only thing missing is a ring, well, basically, an engagement ring.

I smile at her, " Doing great, just a little sore, " I say as I look at the mouth-watering food in front of me, grabbing the spoon and the fork, I was ready to eat it when I notice Chaeyoung's sudden change of demeanor. I already know why she acts like that, she feels guilty.

I tried so hard to scoot a little closer, placing my hand on her thigh, " Hey, don't feel guilty, it is not your fault besides what you did was pleasurable, " She finally looks at me and smile, I winked at her as we eat together, I even forgot the fact that the television is still playing.

" Hey, stop looking at it, the food won't eat itself you know, " I say, with my mouth almost full from the delicious food she cooked as I look at her while eating. She still hasn't budged, is she feeling insecure again? I didn't even notice her scars existed yesterday.

Well, maybe because everything made me feel in ecstasy that I even forgot the scars existed.

But that's okay for me, everyone has flaws, well not literally everyone, but flaws exist because you survived an obstacle of your life. They don't actually make you ugly, in fact, they make you stronger. People just tend to point out each other's flaws because that is just how society is.

Got scars on your body? You survived a fight of your life, be thankful for it. We don't get to live a life like how we live right now. Got stretch marks? Don't be insecure about it, stretch marks don't define who you are, just ignore society's comments, it's your life, not theirs.

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