& chapter 9 &

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(Y/n)'s POV

Now it was time for us to go back to Seoul.we had a great time with each other and jungkook already has stopped dating girls.and now we were sitting in the waiting area to wait to our plane.I was listing to music while jungkook was playing games in his phone.

It was so relaxing as I got a message from V

V=hey (y/n),what's up

(Y/n):well good how about you

V =I am amazing

(Y/n):afcourse you are

V=well we're are you going

(Y/n):to Seoul

V=wow same!!well we're are you sitting

(Y/n):in C4 area

V=ok I am coming

I hung up my phone and went to the bathroom.I went back to the seat where I was sitting and saw V and jungkook talking.

(Y/n):hey V what's up

V:well good,come sit

(Y/n):thanks,so are you visiting Seoul or are you living there

V:well I live there

Jungkook:I have never see you?

V:boy Seoul is very big how can you find me there and infact,we don't know each other before

(Y/n):woow!!! V your so smart


Jungkook:how about me?

(Y/n):your a bear

Jungkook:atleast bear are cute though :)

We talked about random stuff and our airline was called so we three went to the plane well I was sitting beside jungkook and at the back of me was V.

Jungkook's POV

I was sitting beside her thinking of

*this would be the time of when we could talk to each other and know some things about each other..*

But then V was sitting at the back of her so I think I can't be able to because (y/n) was just looking at the back talking to V while I was waiting for her to stop talking but she didn't stop so I regret and start listening to music.

~~Time Skip~~

Back to Seoul....

We were back to Seoul and I looked beside me and saw (Y/N) sleeping peacefully because of course she would be tired of talking with V for a long time.

I woke her up "(y/n) ah wake up"and luckly she woke up and stared at me for few seconds and then release as she stood up and went out of the plane to the airport to get our luggage.
                     End of POV

(Back home)

I went to my room and laid myself on the bed as thinking of all the memories with V

*well V is a nice guy,he is kind,cute as well as handsome.I hope he will get a nice wife*

~~knock knock~~

I woke up to open the door as I saw jungkook standing while pouting

(Y/n):yes jungkook

Jungkook:I am hungry

(Y/n):ah jungkook I am tired and I can't make food for you sorry:(

Jungkook:I already ordered food for both of us come let's eat

(Y/n):your stiil so childish

Jungkook:finally!! something better conpliment

I sat beside him as we ate our too in silence.I thought we both won't have anything to talk but I still have a question rooming around my mind.that I was feeling guilty of asking

(Y/n):hmm jungook


(Y/n):can I ask you a question?


(Y/n):why did you like seoulhyun?

Jungkook: 😐

(Y/n):no no I don't mean what your thinking I just wanted to ask what was the thing which attracted you in her?

Jungkook:why wanted to be like her or develop the thing which she have??😏

(Y/n):oh god I am going I am sleepy

I stood uo from the table and started to walk I didn't even went out of that last part of the table and jungkook grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.our faces were only inches away.

*boy stop being too much..Ok ok if you want to then why me..and by the way jungkook my heart goes too fast now..please stop*

I could see him coming closer to me while looking at my lips but I didn't I just closed my eyes hardly so I can feel that jungkook isn't around but no his hot body is so sassy that I can't feel that I am alone

And then while I was thinking I heard his sound "her sexy body"that's was the thing which made me shooked and eyes opened.but jungkook just left me leaving me speechless.

I went to my room slowly as processing all the things.as I went to my bed.I didn't realize that my tears started to fall over my cheeks like a river.

I took my phone and saw our pictures together in jijo island as I got a small smile but that smile disappeared as I those words filtered my head "her sexy body"

"(Y/n) Why are you thinking too much just relax every boy does that before marriage..and Why are you thinking about him?the man who doesn't even thinks about you for a minute*

I said to myself as i went to the bathroom to get changed.as I went out there was a strong raining outside.I sat on my bed while looking around as suddenly all the lights went out and everywhere was dark.

I laid on my bed to sleep but failed because I am afraid of the dark.I couldn't sleep over.so the last thing which I could do was go to jungkook's room.I was standing outside his room while knocking.

But he didn't opened so I just went straight in I tried to woke him up 5 times but no he didn't woke up.so I splash water on him and then finally he woke up


(Y/n):ahh jungkook it's me (y/n)

Jungkook:what do you want now?

(Y/n):jungkook I am scared


(Y/n):so can I sleep beside you please?

Jungkook:really! I mean sure

He said as he gave me some space and invited me beside him.as i laid on his bed i fell so comfortable that I felt asleep as I felt safe now

But I didn't know that I was mumbling in my mouth "jungkook I love you" as jungkook was taking a video of me.but then we both slept

            "Lovely night beside him"
Hey guys sorry for kind of late update I was busy in work becausw of online classes.well see you in the next chapter.

I love you jungkook❤❤

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