Sunset over the horizon
Transition of blue to golden
Flight of pigeons retiring to their accommodation
With plants and tree completely drowsen.Evolved into dark sky
Illuminated by different aestroids
The charmness of beautiful moon
Garnished with stars appearing
Like Beads of Chandelier.The moonlight slowly
Engaged itself with aqua of young tributary
Unleashing the forever joy
To spectator of eternal beauty.Suddenly, bright but surreal silhouette
Appeared on periphery
Making me anxious of witnessing
Sele'ne, moon goddess from Greek mythology.Ah! The beauty of fantasies
Took me far away to hallucinating
While I laid over coast
Gradually, dozing off.--------------------××××××------------------
A free verse attempt to bring out mesmerising view from the seashore before the bystander. I wrote this in anticipation of giving life to words. Let me know did it came out the same way?
Much love :)
Much thanks :)
From The Anthropoid's Kernal
PoesíaAmateur Poetic Collection My literal passion is refugee from reality. I write when I feel low.