Puppy (Bryce x Tayler)

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Tayler's pov

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Tayler's pov...
Me and Bryce have been living together for the past year, things have been amazing but we need a little change in both our lives. That's where I am now, walking towards a dog shelter.

It was our three year anniversary tomorrow and I wanted to surprise him with a bundle of fur and energy.

I walk into the shelter to hear little yips, howls and paws padding on the ground.

"Hi sir, what can I help you with today?" A lady says, looking up at me from her chair at the front desk.

"Umm, I was just wondering if I could look around for a bit" I say scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Sure! Is the puppy for you or someone special, if you don't mind me asking?" She said again, giving me a smile and standing up to show me around.

"It's for my boyfriend, it's our three year anniversary tomorrow and I wanted to surprise him!" I chuckle of the thought of Bryce's face seeing the puppy.

"Awww, that's cute, well you're probably looking for a puppy so follow me over here." She said, walking over to a door with the word puppies printed out on it.

As we walk inside I am swarmed with fur and little licks to my shoes, I laugh at them all trying to climb on top of each other to get to us.

"Well, you can look around and see if anyone catches your eye, I'll just be over there getting their food." She grins, pointing at the stash of big bags of kibble on the shelf.

"Ok, thank you" I said one more time before looking back at the puppy's and crouching down to pet them.


Half an hour later, I still couldn't find a puppy that would be good for us. I am not saying that the puppies I am playing with now are bad or anything, but if you've had an animal before you just know that that one is coming home with you, like a connection.

I was about to give up and leave when I spotted a little white and reddish marked puppy in the corner, sleeping peacefully.(one at the top)

"Who's that?" I question, pointing in the direction of the little guy.

"Oh him, his names Becker, he's a Brittany Spaniel breed! He's very energetic and loving, but the other puppies tired him out I guess." She laughs at his sleeping state, turning back to me. "Want to take him home?"

I grin widely saying "of course!"


It was go time, I have everything set up! I made Bryce leave the house this morning, going to breakfast with Anthony and Payton, and me being left here setting up my scavenger hunt for my boyfriend.

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