I know they're real (Noah x Blake)

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Noah's pov...

"Baby I'm home!" Blake's happy voice trails throughout our small house, making me jump up and run to the front door.

"Blakey! I missed you!" I squeal, jumping into the outstretched arms of my boyfriend. Getting wrapped in warmth and a wave of protection.

"How are you doing baby?" Blake asks, sinking his head into my neck and peppering light kisses around my sensitive skin, making me giggle and push away lightly.

"I'm happy you're home now." I sigh, carding my fingers through Blake's messy black hair and getting a sigh of approval.

"I'm happy I'm home too. So I was thinking we can order pizza for dinner if that's okay." Blake suggests, picking me up bridal style and walking into the living room. Taking a seat on one of our couches and laying me on his lap, slowly scratching my back.

"Yes! That sounds good, can we watch a movie and cuddle after?" I ask shyly, looking up at Blake's faded figure through my long eyelashes. I shake my head and smile at Blake, getting a smile in return and his blurry face turning back to normal.

"Of course bub!"


Cuddled up on our couch with Blake's arm lazily slung around my shoulders and my head tucked into his chest. The movie playing as background noise, from me not really listening, my gaze trained on Blake's face. His messy hair scattered along his forehead or the pink that's dusting his cheeks like a rose or his sparkling eyes that are watching the movie.

I loved spending time with him, it's just been the two of us the last three years that we've lived together. Nothing could be better.

Blake's eyes slowly turn and face me, smiling sadly and kissing my nose. Unwrapping his arm from my shoulders and pulling away from me fully, his face turning blurry every few seconds.

"What are you doing Blakey?" I smile sadly, but getting no answer, only his gaze piercing through my soul.

"Get up Noah. It's time to get up." Blake says in a monotone voice, making me shrink back into the couch and look at him confused. The world feels like its collapsing around me and everything turns blurry, the nice homey feeling soon turning to nothing but white walls and blinding lights.

"Get up now!" The mean lady says, grabbing me by my shirt and yanking me into a sitting position. Her short nails digging into my chest and her face formed into a snarl. She lets go and points to the little to nothing amount of food on a plate by the door. "Eat it now or you're getting nothing."

I quickly scramble to pick the plate up and begin eating the dry substance, not caring about the taste or texture. I thank her quietly and dip my head in submission and fear, not wanting to see the piercing blue eyes of the mean lady.

"I should get more money to babysit these insane bitches." The lady growls to herself, staking out of the room and locking the door to one of many white rooms. Hearing other insane people shout from their "prisons", I wince. The insane asylum only makes people worse.

I really wished my family could understand, see what I see. If only Blake Grey knew I existed, I would make his life so much better. But I'm stuck here by my families request because I daydream to much, they think the fantasies are made up.

I know they're real...

(588 words)

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