New Power

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(Narrator's POV)



"Yes! Hehehe....that's it! Show me your power, Steven!" Jasper exclaimed as Steven pummeled her during their training session. Every punch Jasper savored. Every time she was knocked to the ground or thrown into a tree, she loved it. While it would normally confuse Steven to no end, he felt no need to question her behavior.

Laughing as she got back up, Jasper looked at the hybrid teen. She was having the time of her life.

"Hahaha! Well done, Steven! I must admit: I'm having fun doing this! But I must ask: why are you holding back? Holding back in a duel is dishonorable." She said as her face turned into a frown as Steven looked at her in confusion.

"Holding back? In this form? I feel like I'm at my best." Steven said as Jasper crossed her arms and looked at the hybrid in confusion for a moment before she realized: Of course he felt he was at his best in that form. Those Gems haven't taught him a blasted thing about his Gem! He has so much untapped power! Endless Reserves of it and he doesn't even know it!

"*Those Gems are truly holding him back! He should be FAR stronger than this! Ugh! If I had only known about this back then, I would have taken him and trained him back when we came to Earth the first time!*" Jasper thought angrily to herself as she sighed and got back on topic.

"Steven. Tell me: I know what the answer to this is, but are you aware of what unique power Pink Diamond possessed? Or have you at least had an experience with it?" She asked as Steven sighed and powered down from his pink form.

"No. I'm sorry, but the Gems never told me anything. To be honest, even now it still feels all new to me. I was led to believe my Mom was Rose Quartz and found out it was all a lie.  And...*sighs* forget it, it's not......" He began to say until...

"Yes it is! *groans* You need to stop that. Stop placing yourself so low! Listen:Those Gems clearly look to you. They are where they are because of YOU. Learn to take some pride in yourself for what you've done! You can't go the rest of your existence thinking yourself below someone who everyone clearly believes you're superior to! Rose didn't do all this! She didn't lead those Gems and bring them to where they are now! You did! So stop being ashamed and be proud!" Jasper suddenly exclaimed as Steven looked at her for a moment before smiling.

To be honest, the hybrid was quite taken aback by Jasper's motivating words. And even with all that has happened in the past between the two, Steven would be lying if he said he didn't appreciate it. It was honestly what he needed to hear and seemed to stir something within him.

"Jasper....thanks. I needed to hear that. And you're right." He said as Jasper tried to hide her slight blush by scoffing.

"Tch. Let's just get back to training you. As I was saying: It's clear to see you haven't been properly trained by those Gems because you should be far stronger than you are now and have a better grasp at just what your Gem can do. I'd imagine that you didn't even know that you have the power to summon several different types of weapons. I'd imagine they'd be far more useful than just a simple shield." She said as Steven gasped.

"I can summon more than one weapon? How? Was Mom able to do that too?" He asked as Jasper nodded.

"Correct. It's part of her unique power that I mentioned earlier: As I'm sure you're no doubt aware, your powers are reliant on your emotions. But what if I told you that you also have the power to create matter merely by a simple thought?" She asked as Steven was surprised.

"You mean like my Mom's room in the temple and how it reacts to my thoughts? But those are just cloud illusions. Are you saying that if I do that out here, the object I think of becomes real?" He asked as Jasper nodded.

"Yes. However, there are some things it will not work with. For example: You can't use it to bring Pink back. But you could use it to possibly heal a shattered Gem and you can also use it to heal yourself simply with a thought. As I'll show you right now." She said with a smirk and before Steven could react...


One hit and Steven was down. He felt blood coming out of his nose as he struggled to get up.

"Now. Focus your thoughts on healing. Or else I'll make it even worse." Jasper said as Steven began to concentrate, ignoring the roaring pain as he focused his mind on healing his wounds until his body glowed pink and he felt the blood evaporate and the pain go away instantly as if he was never hurt at all.

"I did it!" Steven exclaimed as Jasper chuckled. She had to admit: This was going far more smoothly than she anticipated. And she couldn't lie: Steven did look cute when he was happy. Almost like a little Gemling. Wait....why was she having those thoughts?!?

Regaining her focus, Jasper nodded at Steven. "Well done. And on your first attempt as well. Now let's try using your thoughts to summon...let's start off simple and say a sword. Show me." She said as Steven closed his eyes and focused his mind as he did before.

"Envision the sword. From the hilt to the blade. Let it form in your mind." Jasper said as Steven did as he was told, not opening his eyes but being guided by her voice as a form began to appear in his hand. It began to take shape until a pink sword(similar to the one Connie broke) appeared in his hand! He had done it!

"Yes! I did it!" Steven said happily as Jasper smirked. Maybe there was more to this hybrid than meets the eye. It began to dawn on her why he was so weak before: Those Gems never pushed him. They couldn't bring what she was bringing out of him. If anything, all they did was hold him back from his true power.

"I wonder if I can do this with other things? Other than weapons? Mom's room can form entire parts of Beach Citt and even a replica of Beach City." Steven said as Jasper shrugged.

"Well the only way you can truly master a skill is to practice it. A Gem I fought alongside once said: I do not fear the Gem who has practiced 10,000 attacks, but the Gem who has practiced one attack 10,000 times." She said as Steven nodded before looking at his phone. He got a text from Pearl:

*Come home. Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth are coming over to see us. And you know they'll want to see you.*-Love, Pearl.

"Ah. I need to get going. But I'll make sure to practice this power. Although I'll have to do it when the Gems aren't around. They still don't know I'm here." Steven said as he saw Jasper look away. He smiled at her. But then he did something he never thought he'd do.

"Hmm? Shouldn't you be leaving...?" Jasper asked before Steven hugged her. She wanted to push him away. But she didn't.

"What are you...*sighs* Thank you, Steven. Now...if you'll excuse me." She said as Steven left and she went back to her cave, now more confused than ever about her feelings.

See ya next chapter!



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