Helping Them Understand/Betrayal

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Steven woke up the next morning on the soft grass of the Strawberry Battlefield. He smiled as he saw Jasper snuggling up against him.

*She's cute when she's sleeping and isn't trying to kill me.* The hybrid thought to himself as he kissed Jasper on the forehead before checking his phone....and feeling like his heart could stop at any moment after seeing his missed call log!

"Oh no....Missed calls from Pearl, Amethyst, Connie AND Dad! They're never going to let me hear the end of it! *sighs* Might as well head back and face the music." Steven said bitterly, his voice waking Jasper up.

"*groans* Steven....are you alright?" She asked, stirring as she woke up. Steven couldn't find it within himself to lie to her. She's heard enough of those from his Mom. Even knowing what was likely to happen, the hybrid told Jasper the truth.

"I have to go back to the Temple. The Gems are ballistic. They know about me taking off with you last night. Well, to be exact, they just know about me sneaking off. They don't know I snuck off with you or anything we did last night. *sighs* And it's going to be a pain explaining this one. I can normally explain away a lot of my "solo adventures" but I don't see any way I can explain this one away without Pearl or Garnet or Dad losing it." Steven said as Jasper just looked at him before chuckling.

"Then why try to make up a story to begin with? Why not just be upfront with them? Don't you think that's what causes a lot of your problems?" She asked as Steven looked at her in confusion.

"Huh? What do you mean? You know how hard it is to try and talk to them? Especially Pearl. And I really don't need any high and mighty advice from Garnet. If I'm going to make a mistake, then let me do it and learn from it without her lecturing me." Steven said bitterly as Jasper chuckled.

"See what I mean? Just the way you're talking now says you've been doing this for a long time. I'm not saying they are blameless in any way, but let me ask you something: All the people you helped, both human and Gem, did you know what was wrong at first?" She asked.

"No. I didn't." Steven replied.

"Exactly. You didn't understand at first, correct? So how could you help them if you didn't even understand?" Jasper asked as Steven thought about it.

"Because they....helped me understand. That's how I was able to help them. And how I was able to help you." Steven replied as Jasper chuckled.

"So let me ask you: Despite all those Gems have done to hurt you, if they honestly want to help you, how can they if you don't help THEM understand? How can they help if you don't at least give them a chance? The same chance everyone gave you to help them? And the same chance you gave me to accept that help?" Jasper asked as Steven looked away angrily.

"Because why would they care now?!? After all this time, Garnet and Pearl are still the same: They'll never change! If I tell them what we were doing last night and that I was with you, they'll act the same way they always do. I'm not going to let them hurt us like that!" The hybrid responded as Jasper hugged him to calm him down.

"How do you know if we don't at least try to talk to them? If I get bubbled for loving you, then so be it. But at least I know we tried to help them understand." The Orange Quartz said as Steven looked at her. She was willing to get bubbled just so Garnet and Pearl knew she loved him.

"Alright. Then let's go talk to them. Whatever happens, just know I love you. Jasper." Steven said as Jasper kissed him.

"I love you too, Steven." She replied as the two headed to the Warp Pad, ready to confront the Gems at the Temple.



"Oof! Pearl, what the?!?" Greg began to say until Pearl's spear was at his throat!

"WHERE IS MY BABY?!? WHERE IS STEVEN?!? TELL ME WHERE HE IS, GREG, OR SO HELP ME I'LL...!" The Pale Gem screamed, prompting Garnet to step between them!

"Pearl, calm yourself this instant! Greg already said Steven took off during the night. The issue is where he is. Now calm down NOW!" The fusion said angrily as she tried to use her Future Vision...

"You see him, Garnet?" Amethyst asked.

"3...2....1...." Garnet said. And just as she counted "1"...

*Warp Pad Goes off*

Steven and Jasper appeared, much to the shock of everyone.

"Hey guys. Sorry I took off last night but I wanted to tell you---"  Steven began to explain until...

"YOU! YOU TOOK HIM, JASPER!" Pearl screamed. But before anyone could react, she launched her spear right at Jasper. And before Steven could activate his bubble or shield...


"No!!" Steven yelled as Jasper's Gem hit the floor in front of him as Amethyst bubbled her, a sad look in her eyes towards Steven.

"Amethyst! Tell them! You know what's going on!" Steven exclaimed, hoping Amethyst would vouch for him. But to his heartbreak, she simply sent Jasper's Gem to the burning room and walked to her own room without saying anything.

"Steven! Where were you?!? Where did Jasper take you?!?" Pearl asked frantically as Steven just glared at her, pure anger in his eyes!

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" The hybrid yelled as he stormed out the door, feeling not only angry but hurt and betrayed as well.

"How can he just storm off when he JUST got here?!?" Pearl wailed as she went to her room, frustrated and confused.

"Garnet. What was Steven talking about? What does Amethyst know about him and Jasper?" Greg asked as Garnet sighed.

"What's important now is talking to Steven. I'll go find him." The fusion said as she left to go find the boy she saw as her son.

Jasper has been poofed and Amethyst has betrayed Steven! What will happen next? See ya next chapter!








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