Letting Them Hear It

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(Narrator's POV)

"NO! NO! NO! YOU ARE NOT TAKING HIM AWAY!" Pearl snapped as her and Garnet were arguing with Greg over Steven's plans for the future. Greg wanted to take Steven away from Beach City because he felt this place was the source of much of his son's stress. But Pearl and Garnet would hear none of it.

"Do you two even care about what he's been dealing with?!? All this Gem stuff has really messed him up! He doesn't need to be here if all it will do is hurt him even worse!" Greg snapped as Pearl scoffed at the idea.

"So running away from his problems will just make them go away?!? Steven will remain here with us and we'll all handle this together like a family should! And how DARE you say we don't care about him when you've barely been here as it is, Greg!! You have no room to judge us!" The Pale Gem snapped as Garnet crossed her arms.

"Steven needs to understand that he can tell us anything that's bothering him..it's not that we don't care about him. We love him more than he'll ever know. It's that he doesn't trust us for some reason. I don't know why he doesn't, but we're worried about him just as much as you are, Greg. Steven leaving Beach City won't make his problems go away." The fusion said. Greg was about to respond until Steven and Amethyst came inside.

"Well. Looks like the Prince has awoken from his sleep. Are you alright, Steven?" Pearl asked as Steven and Amethyst crossed their arms, annoyed that the Pale Gem would act like the two younger Gems hadn't just heard what was going on, especially since Amethyst had come to wake Steven up because of it.

Seeing this, Garnet sighed.

"Steven. I know you overheard and I would like your opinion on this. Your father wants to take you away from Beach City...from us. Before you answer, let me ask you: While it would be easy to simply leave, would it be right? Or better yet: would it be responsible? Or would it just be running away from your problems?" The fusion asked as Steven sighed before looking at Amethyst, who looked at him as if to say *I'll be fine. Whatever you choose, I'll support you.*

"I'll be honest: Leaving would be better for me. Guys, I love you. But...you've been one of the biggest reasons why I've felt the way I do. Always comparing me to Mom, making me feel like nothing whenever I didn't live up to the legacy YOU wanted me to live up to. It was never about what I wanted: It was about what you and Mom wanted. My opinions and feelings never mattered to you unless they had something to do with my powers. As much as I don't like saying that, it's true. That's why I don't tell you how I feel. Because you spent so much time NOT caring how I felt. You waited too long until I began to break down and end up like this. So that's why I don't talk to you at all." Steven explains, unaware of the tears that were currently coming out of Amethyst's eyes.

"Steven, that isn't true! You know we love you! We were just grieving over your mother---" Pearl began to tearfully say until....

"YOU WAITED TOO LONG, PEARL!! ALL OF YOU! I DON'T OWE YOU AN EXPLANATION FOR ANYTHING!!" Steven yelled as he went into his Pink form and sent everyone back with a shockwave! After calming down, Steven simply sighed and walked to his room, shutting and locking the door.

After they got back up, Greg looked at the Gems with annoyance in his eyes. He wasn't worried about the Gems. He was worried about Steven and felt this needed to end. Something had to give.

"All I will say is this: Steven needs to shift his focus away from you 3. And honestly? It makes sense what he said: You 3 spent so much time "grieving" over Rose. You put him under so much pressure and never noticed that you did it. So I guess it's like this: If you 3 spent so much time proving to him that you couldn't handle your own problems, why would he trust you with his?" The elder Universe said before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl looked at each other sadly before heading to their respective rooms for the night, hopeful that they'll be able to make things right soon.

Pretty intense. But now that Steven and Jasper feel the same for each other, how will it play out? See ya next chapter!








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