Pearl's Explanation/Deception Revisited

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(Pearl's POV)

"So that's what Lazuli told us. That's the whole story." Bismuth said as she told Garnet and I about what happened when Steven and Lapis went to deal with the two rogue Lapis Lazulis. We were stunned at what we heard. baby...poofed a Gem? And not only that, he actually tried to shatter? I couldn't believe the years had changed him so much.

I know life hasn't been easy for Steven. And I feel like we only made it even harder for him over the years. But to want to end another Gem's existence? That was very serious and I wanted to know why he would even consider doing such a thing.

But what I also found intriguing are the powers he was said to be displaying. He turned pink just like he did at the Reef, but now he can materialize weapons? If I had a human heart, it would be in shock right now. That was a power his mother had. But how did he learn it?

"Pearl?" Garnet asked, snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked at the both of them and sighed.

"You said Steven materialized a sword, right Bismuth?" I asked as Bismuth nodded.

"Yeah. That's what Lapis told me and Peridot. She doesn't know how he did it but it scared her. Same with Peridot. You two know more about Steven and what he can do than the 3 of us. Has he ever done that before?" She asked as I sighed and looked away.

"Pearl? Is there something you need to tell us?" Garnet asked. I looked at them. I had no choice but to tell them.

"It was a power Steven's mother had. Pink Diamond had the ability to manipulate reality itself and create things with a single thought. Not only that, but she could heal herself and revive shattered Gems with this power as well. But while White and Blue thought it was impressive, Yellow was worried what would happen if Pink was allowed to one day have her own colony with this power. She was already childish as it is, so imagine if she had a colony under her command with that power? She could make it flourish far beyond any of hers with a mere thought. So you could say jealousy got the better of her. It was because of Yellow convincing the others that it took as long as it did for Pink to get a colony." I explained as Garnet and Bismuth looked a bit shocked.

"So Steven now has that power as well? Sounds pretty heavy." Bismuth said as I sighed. It was heavy, indeed. Exactly why I didn't want Steven to learn of it.

"I know Steven thinks I held him back a lot. And being honest, I did. But I knew how strong and how powerful Steven could become. I always knew what he was capable of. I never doubted how strong he could be or what he could choose to do with that strength. In all honesty, I trained Connie for two reasons: 1: To protect Steven and 2: To support him in ways I know I could never do. I didn't just train Connie to fight with Steven, I wanted her to love him in ways I know I never could. And I had hoped that love would sway him from using his powers that I knew he would discover at some point for the wrong reasons." I explained as Garnet and Bismuth looked at each other in concern, just as there was a light knock at the door.

"Hmm? Who could that be?" I asked as she opened the door and smiled as she saw Larimar.

"Hello Pearl." The small blue Gem said as I smiled. Larimar was such a cute little Gem. It was rare to see her at the Temple.

"Hello Larimar. What a nice surprise. What brings you here?" I asked as Larimar pointed to Little Homeworld.

"Peridot sent me. Amethyst is there and she's really upset about something and is going on and on about it. She was screaming a lot too. I wonder who made her scream?" She said as I became worried. What could be wrong with Amethyst?

"OK. We're heading there now." I said as Garnet and Bismuth had overheard what the situation was and the 3 of us followed Larimar back to Little Homeworld to see what was wrong with Amethyst.

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