Feelings of Love

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(Narrator's POV)

"How does this look, Pearl?" Steven asked as the hybrid asked the pale Gem who smirked.

"Hmm? What's this? Is Steven Universe, the most irresistible young man who no woman can resist, asking ME for advice on what to wear?" She asked as Steven chuckled and rolled his eyes. He knew he had that coming after his gloating.

"Ok. I had that coming. But seriously: How do I look?" He asked as Pearl smiled at her boy.

"You look handsome as always, Steven. Connie and her Mother are going to love how you look." The pale Gem said with a smile as she looked at her phone and sighed. While she was enjoying spending some mother/son time with Steven, she was also somewhat in distress. Call it motherly instinct but she could just sense something wasn't right.

"Pearl? You OK? You've been looking at your phone a lot." Greg asked as Pearl sighed again.

"Call it a hunch, but I'm worried about Amethyst. Whenever you tell her she can't do something, she does whatever she can to prove she can. Or in this case, to prove she's right." The Pale Gem replied as Steven shook his head, hoping that didn't mean what he thought it did.

"You don't think Amethyst went after Jasper after we left, do you?" The hybrid asked with concern in his voice. He knew Amethyst was stubborn. Really, all of them were, even him(a trait he naturally has due to his Gem heritage) but despite this, he had to question if Amethyst would really go boldly after Jasper like this? Granted, he knew that she was telling the truth. He knew that him and Jasper did indeed get...well intimate that day.

But he couldn't risk anyone knowing. The fact that he was training with Jasper was already getting harder to keep secret and it was either by luck or Garnet's trust in him(a fact that made him feel even worse since it's due to her trust that she hasn't used her Future Vision and he was taking advantage of that very trust) that his training hasn't come to light yet, so that was the only(if not the most comforting) relief Steven had right now.

"*sighs* I hope not. Amethyst is immature. But she should know when not to pick a fight that she knows she can't win on her own. But anyway, let's not focus on that. We're here to have fun, Steven. Now come on over here. I saw this very dashing shirt that I think would look good on you." Pearl said as Steven followed her to the dress shirt rack.




The sound of a small tree being split in two can be heard as Amethyst is sent crashing into a nearby tree and recovers just as Jasper spin dashes into her and sends her down again! The two Quartzes had been battling for a while now and Jasper had the upper hand for the most part, keeping Amethyst on defense(a position she isn't used to) for the bulk of the fight.

"Give up yet? Or do I need to beat you down even more, runt? Steven put up a better fight than you!" Jasper laughed as Amethyst groaned as she got up. What did Jasper mean by that?

"What do you mean by that? When did you fight Steven? What's been going on with you two that the rest of us don't know about?!?" Amethyst snapped as Jasper just chuckled.

"That's none of your concern. All you need to know is that, despite him being half human, Steven is far stronger than you, that Pearl and even that fusion. Heh. I'd even go so far as to say he's surpassed that Lapis Lazuli in strength at this point. None of you can handle him. All you did was make him weak. He doesn't need any of you." The Orange Quartz laughed as Amethyst growled and spin dashed at Jasper...only to be caught with one hand(similar to what Steven did) and thrown into another tree!

"Ugh....why? Why can't I beat you?!? What is it that I'm missing?!? Even now, after all this time!!!" Amethyst yelled as Jasper just looked at her, pity in her eyes.

*This is your blasted influence, Steven.* Jasper thought to herself as she walked up to Amethyst, seemingly about to finish her off....but instead extended her hand, surprising the purple quartz.

"What? What are you doing?" Amethyst asked in confusion as Jasper sighed.

"This is over. *sighs* Listen: I'm only letting this go...beacuse Steven would do the same. No matter how much I hate you, the fact is Steven cares for you. And...I can't explain it...but I don't want to see him upset for some reason. So let's just end this before it goes too far." Jasper said as Amethyst hesitantly took Jasper's hand and allowed her to help her up.

Amethyst began to leave, but before she left, she looked at Jasper with a smile.

"Hey. You know, if what you're saying is true, then....I guess I can live with it. As long as you aren't hurting Steven, then I'm alright with whatever is going on between you two. But...you know what those feelings are that you have for him? It's called love. You love Steven, Jasper. And.....well I'm alright with that." The Purple Gem said with smile as Jasper looked at her.

"Love? Is that what I'm feeling? I don't understand." She replied as Amethyst smiled.

"Hey. I know you and Steven wanna keep this a secret, but I'm not exactly the best to talk to about these things, ya know? If you want an expert on how to deal with this, you know who you have to talk to. But don't worry: I won't tell unless you do. See ya, Sis." Amethyst said as she shapeshifted into a bird and flew away.

Jasper placed a hand onto her temples. As much as she didn't want to let this thing with her and Steven get out, she knew that Amethyst was right and there was only one Gem who truly could comprehend and help her with these feelings she had for Steven.

But would she help her? And even if she does, did Steven feel the same?

See ya next chapter!




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