One end is another's beginning (character 7)

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(Narra-Nii's p.o.v)
It was their time for their game against seijoh because of course they beat detec and moved on to the next round. They were on the last set and everyone has hooked even a certain redhead (literally his hair is red) who came to see if he could find anything interesting and he thinks he has.
(Akashi's p.o.v (bet you didn't expect that)
As I was watching a volleyball game because my six senses told me to come to watch it and so I did. And I'm glad I did cuz I found somebody extraordinary people around here call him the former King of the Court kind of like mine it's me, of course, I'm the emperor. His partner is a little interesting but not as good.I can tell my emperor's eye is absolute. As the match went on I knew who was going to win. Aoba Johsai. But I still look at the match and numbers 9 and 10 did something called a quick attack and I was surprised by the speed and jumping (N/A" ha, of course, my Hinata is amazing even an idiot can figure that out!" Akashi throws a pair of scissors dangerously close to my face. "You said something?" "N-n-n-nothing) of number 10 I amazing but he has bored full eyes but other than that he looks excited but I feel like there's more to him that the eye can see. But what?
(Hinata's p.o.v )('=thought "=speaking)
'I know that was going to lose but still, I still want to try even if I know what's might happen. I need to do something about this but what. I want to score one more time maybe I can go through the door but that might give me a personality change maybe I can open the door but not in yeah.' I opened the door but didn't go in I still felt powerful my wings felt small but powerful I lightly flapped them giving me more speed and jump power making me go high above the net before Kageyama even set as he threw the ball high into the air for me to spike letting me spike but if I could take back something it would be not opening my eyes cause I could have avoided it. A terrible block as I tried to break there wall but I failed to let Aoba johsai get there the last point and winning. We left the court to change and go back on the bus. I saw Kageyama and went to talk to him as I approached him he started to talk ."I'm sorry Oikawa read me like a boo-. "Don't apologize! Don't make it seem like choosing me was a mistake! Don't do that." I yelled while crying. "Maybe you were a mistake." He said to me. How dare he say I was a mistake. "Since I'm such a mistake why don't I just quick volleyball!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. "Fine, I don't care!" I was so mad at that response that I yelled again. "So you wouldn't care if I transfer to a new school then!" No what am I saying I still need to tell him I'm moving to Tokyo."I don't care!" "Fine!" I then stomped off to the bus angry at what Kageyama said I went on my phone and started search schools in Tokyo the first thing he saw was a school named siren 'not well known for anything in particular perfect no one will know. But I need to tell Daichi that I'm quitting the club maybe later.'
(Narra-Nii p.o.v)
The team arrived at school and it was quiet but not for long that everyone was acting normal like they never lost at all. At the end of practice, Hinata ran to their club adviser to tell him he wants to quit. "What!" Yelled the teacher. "Sorry but why Hinata is it because we lost today?" "No of course not actually I'm moving to Tokyo my mom got a promotion and I'm transferring schools next week." "Oh, so you want to leave the club this week instead of just leaving. I understand well you just have to sign this and give it back tomorrow ok?" "Hai!" The next day Hinata gave his teacher the form and left for class. It was a peaceful day mabey cause he didn't have practice. Since he didn't need to worry about volleyball he decided that he would instead focus on studying making him quiet and able to piss still. He didn't know when he started to disappear it's just happened to quiet and people started to not noticing him he didn't really care though he knew that Kageyama was going to kill him. Why did he care about what Kageyama thinks he was the one who told him to quit so why does he care doesn't matter what he wants he did say that he was a mistake. That made him angry he didn't believe him still remembering that time after the match. He was just going to go to his new school with nobody he knew in Tokyo well except of course Kenma he was still debating if you wanted to talk to him about him moving to Tokyo. He has appreciated him, he appreciated how kenma did not yell at him or help kenma didn't hit him he just listened he really was a good friend maybe even his best friend he became really good at studying in hiding his presents cuz he didn't stand out as much as he used to guess he's kind of like the Phantom they are there but not there in front of you but you can't see him it was kind of sad he thought about it his personality changed he was still sunny but even then he became not so sunny he came a little like that Emperor or someone who controls people kind of like the king of the Court except he wasn't on a court it was just him he kind of felt isolated you sometimes talk to kenma and sometimes didn't he did tell, eventually that he was moving to Tokyo.He was kind of happy to get away to take a break except this one was a permanent one maybe he could come back to me again one day maybe he can play volleyball in Tokyo no he doesn't ever want to see his team again on the opposite side of volleyball court playing against them he can't imagine it so he picked up a new sport. He didn't know which he wanted to do he knew he wanted a team sport so he searches popular team sport the first thing that show was basketball he was kind of interesting the way that people could jump high and run fast basically perfect match for Hinata it even had a ball in it. He searched s the rules and practice a lot and he was surprisingly good at it he was good at three-pointers to pointers dogs passing dribbling and etcetera he had two weeks until he went to his new school in at first he was nervous but then he just decided if he gets too nervous he would just hide his present until he was ready to talk again maybe he would join the basketball Club it would really help him train his wings he never forgot about those there are really a problem. Couldn't really touch them too much cuz then he'd feel this strange sensation all over his body he didn't really know how to explain it though favorite super sensitive not enough like if you just touch it would react not like that or like if you hold it so I feel like that. He never told his team that he was going to a new school or that he was going to quit the club he let his Club advisors do that for him he told his club adviser not to tell his team about which school he was going to or that he was not ever going to play volleyball unless it was necessary he really change for those days he was no longer a pushover he was just really shy but also stand his ground he also gained a little bit of Pride which brought him a long way. Hinata was kind of lonely though he didn't really have friends anymore since he would hide his presents and when he did he was president people was too scared to talk to him even if he didn't look intimidating they looked in his eyes then got scared and avoided him he was kind of upset at first that people were ignoring him and he just got used to it he was a phantom with a deadly glare anyway so why would it matter. It was his last day at krossno and he decided to visit the volleyball club one last time. Since he could hide his presence he just let out his wings. Nobody was in the gym so Hinata just grabbed the ball got a running start threw the ball up high and tried to do a jump serve using his wings and it worked though it was clumsy it was successful none the less. As Hinata landed he heard the door open and saw (I'll give you a hint he's younger than Hinata but taller I'll count down 14.......13.......12.......10.......9.......8.......7.......6.......5.......4.......3.......2.......1.......if you guessed Kageyama to you right told me if you got it right )Kageyama in front of the door with the shocked face looking at him. Was it because my wings or was it because he hasn't seen me in a long time that's kind of weird usually he tried to drag me to practice Daichi most likely stopped him.
(Kageyama p.o.v)
I was heading to the gym when he opens the door he saw a ..... Flying ball!? 'The hell. How did that ball move!' Then I saw a glimpse of the pure black wing then the dumbass appeared where did he come from and why do I want to touch his wings. 'Whatever I'll just do what so bad about touching his big hard things' (That's what she said😏)
(A little lemon)
I slowly went behind him and started to touch his back before he could move I grabbed his wings causing him to yell a loud noise wait did he just moun? (Cue music (video ^) I wanna know why dose it fell so good but hurt so bad? I asked myself and I started to roughly touch his wings causing him to lose control and moan making turn on. I then let go because of the fact I made Hinata moun. He then turned to me with a red face and breathing heavily. I just watched as he wiped the drool coming from his mouth :

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