Chapter 1

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Eirene's POV:

The salty sea air breezed through the tiny window above my sleeping mat. Groaning I sat up for the floor immediately realizing that I should be quite as to not wake mother.I quickly grabbed my thin linen strip and started to wrap it around my breasts sucking in as much air as I could. while I started my usual transformation into a young man.I pulled on one of my fathers old togas that had far to many years of being dirty and stained with sweat. I didn't mind the smell was a comfort to me unlike most girls my age who turned their nose away at any sweat there was. I reached down strapping the leather onto my feet then tucking my hair up into a hat. sighing I picked up the leather satchel that held some small coins and walked into another small room in our house looking out the wide opening in the wall towards the piercing blue sea. I wish I was free to run about and not have to dress like a man or act as if I was one; the whole thing was stupid if anyone were to ask me, however being the only child that you parents could have and the fact that the family business was goat herding ,well that doesn't leave you with a whole lot of choice there. I turned towards the small fire that was crackling watching my mother groggily plop down next to it.

"Good morning my darling,"

"Morning mother" I replied back in the best mans voice I could muster. it ended up coming out a little too deep, which made my mother laugh and laugh until she started snorting like some of the pigs do. She stood up her feet pattering towards me.

"If you talk like that, surely no one will think that your not a boy." she said winking at me before she walked towards the window that was ground level sticking her feet outside and leaning up against the ledge.

"Mom..." I started to protest but the huge grin on my face had already stopped me.

" Come sit with me." she said patting a area of the windows ledge next to her. I came over flinging my legs over the ledge now looking at the beautiful sunrise and all of our goats that were still asleep underneath the olive couldn't have been more perfect. I tried to sigh but stopped when I couldn't take in anymore air than a normal breath,these stupid restraints to make me look like a young man always got in the way of what I wanted to do.

"Your father and I are so proud of you Eirene,"she paused still holding my face in her small hands. "I just wish that you could be like the rest of the girls your age who get to dress nice and feel the sunshine on their face rather than covering it with a hat, I'm so terribly sorry name. "

"It's fine mom, really I understand why I have to do this and I'm proud to say that I'm your son and Daughter all in one." I gave her a huge grin but she only frowned harder at that, picking up my little hands in her own she started up again.

"I really don't feel right about this darling. you shouldn't have to be the boy when you are a girl. this could ruin your chances of ever getting married because Every man thinks that your a man like them."

"I'm not looking for love! I just want to be free like I am now where I can wander down to the beach and sink my feet into the water and being able to run at night when no ones awake feeling my heart beating in my chest. If I were to get married my husband would take that all away. " I gave her a look then she closed her mouth realizing however long she would protest for she wouldn't be getting herself anywhere.

Demitri's POV:

The busling of men down below me and the clanging of metal against metal was a good noise to wake up to evey morning. I groaned and rolled off of the bed and pulled back the sheer netting that was draped over it pulling on just a pair of leather shorts and stapping my cloak onto me I reached for the spear. I turned quickly remembering that the window hadnt been opened and the room would get rather stale smelling if i didnt. Dropping my spear letting it bang against the ground I quickly glided over to where the cutain hung drawing it back letting the faint glow of morning sunlight and the cool breeze come rushing in the sweet smell from the sea meeting my nose almost instantly. I gathered up my spear before throwing the door open and walking out of the room and bolted down the stairs to the gathering room of the palace to find my father.

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