Chapter one

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It was summer. The bees were humming and the birds were chirping in the distance, the warm summer sun was about to set, the clock ringing its eight loud jingles. Children and other people were laughing in the distance.

While this was happening, a auburn haired young male was sitting by a tree at the nearby park. He was reading a book about exy, the sport he loved the most. His clothes were thin, as he wore shorts and a oversized hoodie, belonging to his lover. His shoes were just simple sneakers, his legs and arms covered in bandages. He hummed lightly as he sat under the tree, hearing the children play.

"You seem awfully cheerful today"

The familiar voice made the auburn haired boy raise his attention to the person which the voice belonged to.
The auburn haired boy smiled a weak smile.

"It's summer, and nearing the end of it as well. What are you doing here, Andrew?"

The blonde infront of the boy crossed his arms and scoffed lightly.

"Are you saying I'm not allowed to just walk around the park like every other human being on this fucking planet?"

The auburn haired boy laughed a bit, closing his book and patting the grass next to him.
The blonde sat down next to him, completely silent.

The smaller of the two was wearing his usual black attire, as well as sunglasses and a scowl.
The auburn haired boy sighed and looked up, watching as the sunset was dancing on the sky.

"I hope Nicky is okay"

The blonde blinked and looked at the boy next to him with a small hint of surprise.

"Have you talked to him since... that day?"

The blonde was surprised by the question, and shook his head lightly.

"Aaron is with him most of the time. I don't see him that often."

The blue eyed boy sighed again and closed his eyes.

"We all know that it was an accident. Wymack did say her gear wasn't like it should. Her neckbrace should have taken most of the hit"

The blonde hummed in agreement, and a comfortable silence fell upon the boys.
The first of the two to break it was the blonde, for once.

"Neil, where's your boy toy that is basically glued to your side?"

The boy next to him snorted a bit and yawned.

"He's taking care of some errands, should be back in a few minutes. Why are you asking about Kevin? And don't call him a 'boy toy'"

The blonde chuckled lowly, looking at the taller male. Hazel met blue and both of them rolled their eyes and laughed.

"What are you two laughing about?"

The voice made the boys stop laughing, and the taller of them got up.

"Hi Kevin, you got everything you need?"

Neil walked up to his lover, the dark haired striker smiling slightly and he felt Neil peck his cheek gently.

"Yes, only you is missing now, let's go to the fox tower, we need to gather for information anyway"

The blonde was silently watching the lovers interact, as he felt his heart being stabbed by a thousand forks after Neil kissed the dark haired striker's cheek. He looked away, trying to gather himself.
As he was collecting himself, he felt a soft touch on his shoulder.

"We'll see you at the fox tower, Andrew"

The blonde nodded at Neil's voice, closing his eyes to keep his tears at bay. He listened as the lovers walked away, leaving him in the dust by himself, finally letting himself break down.

Registration at the fox tower. Two days before summer ends, and a new schoolyear starts.
The foxes were all gathered together by the entrance of the tower, waiting on their coach.

It was way too quiet for anyone's liking, but nobody dared to speak up.
Neil looked around while messing with Kevin's dark locks.

Dan was as always calm and kept her presence known by her superiority. Matt was as always quiet and kept to himself by Nicky.
Nicky looked like he had killed a bunny and turned into a zombie at the same time, the usually bright personality nowhere to be seen.

Allison, Renee and Léo kept eachother company by standing next to eachother. The twins were their usual self, silent and mad. Aaron kept his gaze at Nicky, as if keeping his prying eyes would help the backliner calm down. Andrew sat by himself and stared at the wall, his thoughts running wild.

If the foxes weren't worrying about their own problems, they would realize the goalkeeper hadn't made any sort of insult towards anyone yet.

As the silence was creeping everyone out, the doors to the tower opened, and the coach entered. His outfit was shorts and a tank top, showing off his tattoo and hairy legs.

"Okay kids, let's settle into the apartments before the new meat comes around"

The team seemed to brighten up a bit at the mention if new players, but the sour atmosphere was still there, everyone keeping their mouths shut.

"First pairing. Kevin and Neil, Andrew and Aaron, Renee and Allison, Léo and Matt, Nicky-"

Nicky lifted his gaze to glance at the coach, making Wymack worry a bit.

"... you'll get one of the new meat. I paired you with two on purpose, because you all are going to have at least one of the new meat in your apartment, to make sure they are alright. Straight orders from the principal. Anyway, go ahead, here's your room keys"

The team stiffly gathered their own key and started to walk to the elevator, knowing the stairs are broken. Kevin and Neil talked excitedly with eachother, while Andrew was walking behind them, listening to everything.

His heart ached at every smooth motion Kevin would pull towards Neil, and Neil's obvious happiness. He knew he fucked up last year, but he didn't think regret would make him feel so fucking useless.


Andrew stood in silence as he stared at the ground, completely silent


The blonde barely breathed, or even blinked as he stood there, trying to keep his feelings away from the surface.


Andrew jumped as he felt someone touch his shoulder, making him snap his gaze from the floor and towards the person touching him, smacking the hand away on instinct.

Neil stood there with his hand close to himself, feeling it throb.

"Andrew are you okay? You spaced out"

Neil watched closely as he awaited an answer from the blonde. Andrew blinked a few times, clenched his hands hard and swallowed the growing lump in his throat.

"I'm fine. Let's go to the rooms."

Andrew didn't take a second glance back as he heard the elevator open, and left Neil and Kevin in the elevator, both males shocked by Andrew's actions.

(edited June 4th 2020)

Sunset Lovers: a Andreil storyWhere stories live. Discover now