Season 14: Chapter 9: Blake and George

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Luke's POV.

My eyes grew wide in shock when I saw Chase possess Blake and George. I felt like this is the Singapore battle all over again. But with no Jackie and with more members. I didn't know what to do, I was scared. I really am scared but I couldn't give up. When I was trying to stand up when disturbing looking Blake and George pinned me down but then, Harvey knocked them out with a staff which looks like, Brad's.

Luke: Harvey?

Harvey: Yup, I discovered my powers Luke, I have the weapons and powers of every Western Zodiac. Look.

Harvey turned invisible. I was impressed but I didn't have time so I need to use my light power to get Chase out of there. Or maybe, everyone's powers, or like what we did to Brad. Harvey turned visible again and Blake attacked us.

Luke: What the?

Harvey: Look out!

I was about to be chopped off by Blake's axe when Harvey protected me. By using Ashton's shield.

Luke: Woah.

Harvey: Luke, you're the leader, what's your plan?

Luke: I'm planning to quit.

Harvey: Quit?!

Blake: (distorted) I knew this would happen.

Luke: I would like to explain but maybe later.

I used my light powers as it enters Blake's body through his mouth. Then I got half of Chase out and now he is back to normal. I should've done this before back in Singapore to Brad but Chase in his body is too strong. After getting Chase out of Blake's body, I noticed he is starting to turn pale and is sweating.

Luke: Blake, you alright?

Harvey: Blake?

Luke: He's still conscious, but I detect that he caught an infection.

Reece: Blake? You alright?

Blake: I'm fine.

Harvey: No you're not, you have Chase get into your body.

Blake: Don't mind me, mind George, he's CF is more severe than mine.

Raphael: No, my CF is more severe than all of you. But never mind that, we still have to save George.

Luke: Get the other half of Chase out of him, only Harvey and I could do it.

Caleb: No, I can.

I looked over to Caleb and he is fighting possessed George using the Chinese heroes' powers/weapons. I was surprised about this.

Harvey: But Caleb, it takes all of our powers to take Chase out of George. This is not like Blake which requires light powers to get him out.

Caleb: Then who has all of our powers?

Brad: I do.

Everyone: What?!

Brad grabbed his staff which transforms into everyone's weapons and then he has access to all of our powers. Both Western and Chinese.

Wendy: Brad has our powers?

Ashley: Didn't know that will happen.

Brad: Back off from my friend, Chase.

George: (distorted) Ever since the last time I got you in Singapore, no.

Zoe: Brad has all of our powers?

Kandace: Cool, huh?

Luke: Oi! To defeat Chase in George's body, you need to use all of our powers!

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