Chapter 16

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I couldn't sleep, and apparently Hannah couldn't either. "Amy? Are you asleep?", Hannah whispered across the room at me. "Yeah. What do you need?", I whispered back.

"Do you think we should tell Tommy boi and Bethany what happened?", Hannah asked. I wasn't expecting that question. "Ummm.....where did that question come from?", I asked in a startled manner. I sat up, while letting my eye adjust to the darkness.

Hannah took a long moment to respond, eventually she answered with, "I just don't want to hide anything from them you know?" I replied, "We will tell them. I just don't want to worry them right now you know? I mean, they just got here."

I thought I saw her nod her head in agreement, as lay back down. Eventually, I heard everybody's breath even with wage others. I still couldn't sleep though. Since I couldn't sleep I decided to walk around the neighbor hood. I mean nothin could happen right?
(Chris P.O.V)

"STUPID PARENTS AND THEIR STUPID RULES AND SHIT!", I yelled as I was walking around town to blow off steam. My dad and I got into ANOTHER argument. This time it was over Amy. I really like Amy. I like her so much to the pint of wanting to date her.

*30 minutes earlier*

"Come on dad! She's really cool, and we have the same interests!", I pleaded with my dad. I told him that I was thinking about asking Amy out. "SON I SAID NO! I WILL NOT HAVE MY SON DATING A SLUTTY NOBODY! I BETTER NOT HERE THAT NAME AGAIN IN MY HOUSE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!", my dad yelled at me over the counter.

"UGH! YOU NEVER LET ME DO WHAT I WANT! IM 16 FOR FUCKS SAKE! IM OLD ENOUGH TO MAKE MY DECISIONS! YOU KNOW WHAT IM OUT OF HERE! IM GOING FOR A WALK!", I yelled back at him as I slammed the front door so hard that the windows rattled.

*present time*

"Why in the living hell does he care about his reputation?! All he is is an entrepreneur.", I said as I turned left onto Amy's street. I was going to ask her out no matter what my dad said.

I was about three minutes away from her house when I saw somebody walk towards me. It was a girl. She looked just like Amy, so obviously I called out, "Amy is that you?" The girl looked up an when she saw me she smiled and ran towards me. It was Amy.

"Chris! What are you doing walking around at night? That's dangerous you know.", she said while lightly punching me in the arm. "Well.....Honestly I was coming to see you.", I told her sheepishly while scratching my head. She looked overjoyed that I wanted to see her. "Why did you want to see me? Don't tell me it's to not be friends anymore! I'll cry if it is.", she pleaded.

"NO! It's not that I DON'T want to be friends it's that I want to be MORE than friends.......", I said a little over dramatically while blushing. "Really?! I wanted to be more than friends too!", she squealed and bear hugged me. I guess that's a yes.

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