Chapter 7

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When I opened the door someone dressed in all black jumped inside, slammed the door, and punched me in the face. I looked at the person to see who it was, but all I could see were these dark brown eyes staring back at me.

Before the person could react I swiped my foot under their feet. They fell with a look of surprise across their face, and before the person could react I swung my right fist aiming for their face. The person grabbed my fist before it made contact and I thought to myself, "HOLY SHIZ! I'M SCREWED!"

The person pulled me down my my fist which was still in their grasp and kicked me in the side of my ribcage as they stood up. Then they picked me up and slammed my head against the wall so hard that my head began to bleed. My vision was blurring quickly, so I grabbed whatever was to my right and threw it at the perpetrator. I ended up using the last of my strength, and as I began falling to the floor I heard the sound of a lamp breaking. When I landed against the floor I sunk into unconsciousness very quickly.

I had awoken to screams from three girls I didn't recognize. "YES. WE NEED AN AMBULANCE AT 407 MEMOSA LANE. YES WE ENTERED THE HOUSE TO HER LYING ON THE GROUND IN A POOL OF BLOOD WHILE UNCONSCIOUS.", I heard one of the girls yelling very loudly into the phone. "ALASKA SHE IS AWAKE! TELL THEM SHE JUST WOKE UP!", said the girl who was sitting beside me all up in my face. The girl, Alaska I think is what she is called, turned and exclaimed, "SHE JUST WOKE UP! PLEASE HURRY UP AND COME!"

What seemed like hours like hours I just laid on the floor ignoring the three strangers in what I was assuming was my house. The next thing I know I'm being pulled into an ambulance whiles bunch of people are yelling and crying.

"Young lady can you tell me how old are you? Where are you right now? Can you tell me your name? How many fingers am I holding up?", the man who works in the ambulance asked and held up fingers. "I don't remember. I don't know. I can't remember. Seven?", I answered while I clutched my head.

"Oh no, we need to get you to a hospital right now. EXCUSE ME! I AM GOING TO NEED YOU TO ALL TO MOVE OVER TO THE SIDEWALK AND I NEED ALL FAMILY MEMBERS TO COME WITH ME NOW.", the man yelled and made me cringe.

"Um Sir? Can you please not yell. You're making my head hurt even more and I don't know any of these people.", I told the man as I blocked my eyes from the bright sun. All the man did was walk over to the large group of people and what I assumed was tell then about the situation. Whatever it was.

When the man came back he loaded me up into the ambulance and we drove off towards our destination. When we reached our destination it looked just like a hospital. Max the EMT, I think is what he said he was, rushed me into the hospital and told the doctor that I couldn't remember anything.

"Hmm seems like she suffered head trauma which could result in amnesia.", the doctor said to Max the EMT. "Yes, but when I asked this girl how many fingers am I holding up she said seven. I wasn't even holding my hand up at that time.", Max said to the doctor. The doctor looked at me and mouthed something to the EMT.

"Um, Miss? Where am I?", I asked the doctor. She didn't answer she only motioned for a nurse, then pulled the nurse aside and begun talking to her. The nurse looked at me and then at the doctor and shook her head. The nurse came over and pushed my gurney into an empty room, hooked me up into a machine then told me I didn't have to be told twice. Once my eyes shut I was, as you would say, dead to the world.

I woke up and pushed the button to call for a nurse. I had insane pressure on my bladder that I needed to relieve myself from. When the nurse entered she brought the same three girls from before into the room with her. "AMY OMG ARE YOU OK?", one of the girls asked me. I just looked at her and shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

The nurse told the girls that visiting time was over and escorted them out of the room. Then, she brought in two more people that I have never seen before in my life. "Now she doesn't remember anything as far as we know. I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't expect anything.", the nurse said to the strangers. They shook their heads then turned to me. "Hello Amy do you remember us?", the woman asked. I just looked at her and squinted my eyes trying to remember. Suddenly something clicked and I asked, "Mom? Dad? Is that you?"

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