Chapter 9

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Aureliana bounded off her swift powerful legs propelling her past numerous trees and Talonhunters. "No, wait!" 

Ace took off after her, knowing that he could catch up if he turned into a Talon, but not wanting the overpowering exhaustion that followed the transformation. 

Ace got to the arena to see Aureliana opening the doors from the outside. Quirina was out in a flash and tackled Aureliana, the rolled on the ground snapping at each other. 

"HEY! STOP!" Ace ran towards the fighting dragons, knowing there was no way for him to pull the two of them apart. 

Paramonos ran out of the doors and grabbed Quirina by the neck throwing her back against the wall. He turned to Aureliana and placed his two wings and two feet into the ground to steady himself. Aureliana snarled, but backed off. 

Ace panted as he ran into the arena. "What...the heck?" He panted, trying to catch his breath. "Holy crap Aureliana, you can run." Ace gasped, gulping down fresh air. "What is your problem you guys?" 

 This does not concern you. Aureliana growled, swishing her tail, the two deadly spikes gliding soundlessly over the ground. 

The tree dragon got to her feet and pawed the ground. Aureliana, I haven't seen you since the day you crossed into my territory. 

 It was my territory and you knew it! Aureliana attempted to lung at Quirina but Paramonos stepped into the way. 

 Enough, both of you. Paramonos commanded looking at both the tree dragon and the forest dragon. 

  Keep out of this, grounded. 

Paramonos roared and flapped his huge wings. I said enough! You will not instigate anymore fights, you are out of your territory here. 

Aureliana slunk back to the edge of the arena. I came to free Talons, but instead I find broken. Aureliana sneered and sauntered out of the arena. 

 Saxa peeked her head out. Paramonos, Quirina, what's 'broken'? 

 Paramonos sighed and sat down. We are, Saxa. We are broken because we are no longer wild, the Talonhunters have broken our spirits, our purpose for life. 

 "When I talked to Melanthios, he asked me to fix you guys, do you have any idea how?" 

Paramonos and Quirina exchanged a look. Do not trust Melanthios, Talon-Tongue. Paramonos said in a dead serious tone.

 "Why? What is so bad about him?" 

First tell me your story, how did you come to talk to him? 

So Ace talked, and he talked, he told them every detail he could remember from his dream. "He said that I belong to both Talon and human world, and that a war was coming, and that I had to do him a favor by rehabilitating you guys. All the Talons submitted to him, like he was all-powerful or something, but at least half of the Talons there could take him on in a fight. He didn't have a tail either." 

 It is as I feared. Quirina said. Melanthios is stocking up on all the dragons, trying to get as many allies as possible. 

 "But what happened to him? Why does everyone fear him?"

Not fear young one, respect. Melanthios is but a simple dragon a truly common one, or he used to be before the great trophy hunt of '86. Hunters went and killed all the Talons they could find. Serpents retreated into the deepest trenches, but lake serpents and river serpents were stuck, and most were killed. They came upon Melanthios's clan, a clan of fifty dragons most with hatchlings to look after, and killed them all. Melanthios was on a hunt when this happened, trying to provide for his family so when he got back and saw all the bloodshed, he got his vendetta, and sought out the hunters that killed his family. He narrowed it down to one hunter, John Bradshaw. The one who had led the hunters to that exact location, and so Melanthios waited, and waited, waiting for the perfect opportunity to arise. So when John Bradshaw went out hunting, much like Melanthios himself had done, Melanthios got even. John Bradshaw came home to the tragedy that night and swore revenge. He gathered up a team of hunter to hunt not just Melanthios, but all the Talons. Thus created the Talonhunters, people with extraordinary abilities to give them a jump start on the enemy. One girl by the name of Aurora was the first to discover her abilities, she could see the future and knew just where to place a trap. So when Melanthios came running through the forest one day, he was hit by a trap which took his tail. It did not kill him however, but he was far more cautious where he walked. Melanthios has then forth made it his goal to kill all Talonhunters, that is why, dear Ace, you are perceived as a threat to him. You are neither Talon nor man and yet you are both. You have played for both Talons and Talonhunters making it difficult to place you on a certain side. You live with Talonhunters, but gravitate towards the Talons. You speak English and yet you are a Talon-Tongue. You can understand Melanthios's dilemma. 

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