Chapter Twelve

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Sophie's POV

We walked inside ,to be faced with my father ,on the couch.

"Sophie, please let me talk things out with you."

Marshall was about to step in and say something, until I said "fine, you can talk, but that doesn't mean I will listen." He nodded ,and me and Marshall sat down.

"Marshall, I don't want you to hear this shit, go and sit in my room , I will shout if I need you" he nodded, reluctantly ,and walked to my room. "go a head"

"I want you to know that everything I ever did ,I am regretful for. My little girl grew up too quickly ,and I was so lonely, it made me angry, nobody wanted me. That first time I hit you, in anger, it made me forget all the bullshit, seeing someone suffer, it was like, the suffering was all of my pain being taken away. You have a perfect body, nice legs, you're tall, nice bum, nice boobs, pretty face, I just couldn't help myself, especially when i'm drunk. I hate what I did ,but I don't think I could ever stop doing it to you ,because I love you"

"Dad stop, you don't love me, you just love how i'm vulnerable ,and I don't tell anyone. The police know dad, and because of you, I will have to live with mom. So i'm going to end this with a fuck you ,but have a nice day. I'm going to pack my stuff, I will see you in the court room daddy" With that, I left the room ,and walked to my bedroom crying.

The fact my dad just pretty much said I was like a barbie sex doll, broke me into a million pieces.

"What happened?" Marshall asked, as I entered the room.

"Honestly Marshall, it doesn't matter he just explained stuff to me and I told him I will see him in court so yeah, let's just get stuff together"

We packed up some of my stuff, and whatever I needed ,and we left my room.

"Soph, i'm sorry" My dad frowned.

"Sorry that you got caught? Yeah ,stop talking bullshit, just give me some money to get me by" I huffed ,rolling my eyes.

"Fine, what did you do to your leg?" He asked, handing me 200 dollars.

"Got hit by a car ,when I was pissed" I laughed.

"So it was you who took the vodka?"

"Obviously, bye father" I grinned and Marshall took my bag as I couldn't carry it with my crutches.

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