Chapter Eighteen

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Sophie's POV

I awoke to see Blake and Marshall quietly chatting, they didn't notice me ,so I closed my eyes again.

What the fuck is Marshall doing here?

"So you broke up with her?" this caught my attention, I patiently awaited an answer.

"Yeah man, she said some bullshit like,  she wants to get her life together, I dunno" I could practically feel Marshall rolling his eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked at Marshall, I missed my best friend. But I'm still worried ,and annoyed at him.

"Hey soph" Blake grinned.

"Time is it?" I yawned.


"Oh fuck" I laughed. "What a beautiful nap"

"Want some dinner then?" He questioned.

"Na, i'm not hungry" I replied earning a frown."thank you though"

"You haven't ate one thing today!"

"False, I ate a bit of an apple for breakfast" I corrected him.

"Well i'm going shop's get some food anyway, so you two don't break anything" Blake warned and then left. Silence.

"Soph, i'm sorry" Marshall blurted out.

"Why are you here?" Venom with each word.

"Me and Kim broke up, went to Proof's, he said you were here, I came around and you were asleep so I waited"

"So i'm just the second choice when Kim's not there?" I don't know where the anger came from ,but it just kept flowing out of me."it's a fucking joke Marshall, I am no one's second choice"

"Thats not what I said"

"You haven't fucking properly spoke to me since you made me cry!"I gritted my teeth.

"When did I make you cry?" Absolutely clueless.

"When I was watching nate and you were on about your mum"

"Shit!" He cursed under his breath "i'm so sorry I said all that Soph"

"Hmm. If only sorry meant something to you" I mumbled.

I want to just hug him right now ,and just talk about anything with him ,but he broke me, he built me up again ,and then broke me.

"Soph, please" he begged

"Marshall, i'm not mad."

"You sure seem it"

"No, i'm pissed off, annoyed, upset and broken"

"I'm sorry"


"So you forgive me?"

"I guess"

"Thank you, sorry, love you" he grinned, coming over and hugging me.

"Love you too" I said patting his back and sitting up, Marshall sat next to me.

"Now whats this about you not eating today?" He brought up.

"Not hungry" I shrugged. As if my body hated me greatly, my belling rumbled, brilliant.

"Bullshit! Lets go get some food then head back mine." He suggested, yet at the same time ordered.

"I don't want any fucking food!" I argued back

"Woah you on your fucking period"

"Yes I am, must you fucking know"

"Come on"

You know, I have no argument left in me.

The walk was silent. We stopped, grabbed some food, then walked into Marshall's.

"This shit won't happen again Soph, I will never let some bitch get in the way of what we have." He finally spoke, as we finished our food, that we had been eating on the way back. I had a kids meal, but it's something, so he agreed to it.

"You better fucking mean that!"

"Let's go get into bed, it's me and you against the world, forever Sophie Brookes, whatever happens"

I stood up and dragged my body to his bedroom. "Marshall, I'd prefer you just tell me if you didn't want me" I sighed.

He shook his head and a small smiled played on his lips. "You cannot get rid of me that easy, pretty girl"

"Oh, ma, gawd. Like, will you, like, even be my bestie when you are famous. Me and Eminem, besties" I did a school girl, over exaggerated voice.

"Whatever happens"

"Forever and always?" I asked.

"Forever and always, I promise you" he promised and we got into the bed.

"Now try and get some sleep, I will be right here" he assured me. My heart felt warm again. My headache, gone. Happiness, restored. Everything was right.

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