ii. little whinging

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     A quiet, perfectly normal suburb of London, where the houses are large and square, and where you’ll find the perfectly normal residence of number four, Privet Drive.

Locations in Little Whinging

alley between Wisteria Walk and Magnolia Crescent

     Located in Little Whinging a block or two from number four, Privet Drive, this alley has been the scene of two of the biggest collisions between Harry’s Muggle home and the wizarding world. First it was where Harry fled after blowing up Aunt Marge, saw Sirius in his Animagus form, and accidentally hailed the Knight Bus. Two years later it was where Dementors, sent by Dolores Umbridge, attacked Harry and Dudley.

Magnolia Crescent

     “Several streets away” from Privet Drive, Magnolia Crescent is a street on which several of Dudley’s friends probably live, as he bade them goodbye “at the entrance to Magnolia Crescent” when they were all walking home. It is probably also fairly long; Harry at one point heard a “mundane rumbling of cars” coming from here.

     Adjacent to Magnolia Crescent is an alley (in front of number two), which forms a shortcut to Wisteria Walk, and where several interesting things have happened to Harry.

     It was in an alley beside a garage along this street that Harry Potter first set eyes on Sirius Black, who was in his animagus form.

Magnolia Road

     Also found in Little Whinging, Magnolia Road is on the opposite side of Magnolia Crescent from Privet Drive. On this street is a playground, where Dudley and his gang have broken all but one of the swings, and where Harry once sat thinking about Sirius and Cedric.

Privet Drive

     Privet Drive is a “perfectly ordinary” Muggle street in Little Whinging, Surrey, lined with boring, boxy houses. It is also, at number four home to the Dursley family, as well as – for many years, at least – Harry Potter. A neighboring house is number seven.

     - number four, Privet Drive

     Number four, Privet Drive, is the home of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, their son Dudley, and (until July 27, 1997) their nephew Harry Potter. Privet Drive is a street in Little Whinging, Surrey, which is located to the south and southwest of London.

     Number four, Privet Drive, is described as large and square. It has a low garden wall in front, a garden behind with flowerbeds and a greenhouse, and several chimneys. The house was most likely built in the 1930s and is part of a subdivision of hundreds of similar houses.

     • kitchen – square table, the usual furnishings, impeccably clean, television for Dudley so he doesn’t have to leave the TV to get food.

     • living room with boarded up fireplace, fitted with an electric fire.

     • bathroom

     • front hall with front door, which has a mail slot in it

     • stairs with cupboard under them, leading up a hall which leads to the four bedrooms upstairs:

     — Vernon and Petunia’s bedroom
     — guest bedroom (reserved for Aunt Marge)
     — Dudley’s main bedroom
     — Dudley’s spare bedroom, now Harry’s room

     • garden with a hedge, a bench, and flowerbeds

     the cupboard under the stairs

      On the ground floor of 4 Privet Drive, there is a cupboard under the stairs; this was Harry Potter’s bedroom for about 10 years. The cupboard is very small, containing only a bed. It is always full of spiders. The Dursleys often punished Harry by locking him in his cupboard for days.

     • harry's bedroom

     Harry’s bedroom is the smallest bedroom at number four, Privet Drive. Until the end of July in 1991, the bedroom was Dudley’s second bedroom, where he stored all his toys, games, and books when he’d finished with them (or, in the case of the books, discarded them unread). Harry’s room faced out onto the street. In it he had a bed, a desk, and a wardrobe. He kept various things under some loose floorboards so as to keep them hidden from his Aunt and Uncle.

     - number seven, Privet Drive

     Presumably located across the street from the Dursleys’ house, number seven, Privet Drive is home of a woman who Petunia enjoys spying on, and who Harry refers to as “Mrs. Number Seven.”

Wisteria Walk

     A street in Little Whinging, intersecting Privet Drive. We also know that Mrs. Figg lives on Wisteria Walk, with her cats and kneazles. The rest of the street, of course, is inhabited with Muggles – including, at number six, twelve-year-old Lisa Smith.

Residents of Little Whinging
     - the Dursley Family
     - Mark Evans
     - Mrs. Figg
     - Mrs. Next Door
     - Mrs. Number Seven
     - Harry Potter (through 1997)
     - Mr. Prentice

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