iii. spinner's end

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     Spinner’s End is a street in Cokeworth, a dark industrial Muggle town in the Midlands of England. It is on this street that Snape’s house sits, and down which Narcissa Malfoy ran – with Bellatrix Lestrange in pursuit – to seek him out.

     Severus, Lily and Petunia grew up together in the town of Cokeworth. Somewhere nearby Spinner’s End there is a Muggle playground where a young Snape first met Lily and Petunia Evans, and most likely the house the Evans’ girls grew up in as well.

     During Occlumency lessons, Harry used a Shield Charm against Snape's Legilimens and accidentally saw some of Snape's memories that took place at Spinner's End: "...a hook-nosed man was shouting at a cowering woman, while a small dark-haired boy cried in a corner… a greasy-haired teenager sat alone in a dark bedroom, pointing his wand at the ceiling, shooting down flies…"

     Spinner's End is near a "dirty river" and overshadowed by a huge chimney left over some from forgotten mill. Bellatrix Lestrange refers to it as a "Muggle dunghill."

Other specific places located at the Spinner's End include:

Snape's House

     This brick row house is almost certainly where Severus Snape grew up, and then lived alone for most of his adult life. Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange sought him out here in 1996, when he made an Unbreakable Vow to Narcissa that he would kill Dumbledore if Draco failed to do so. Wormtail was living there to help Snape out at the time as well.

     The house itself is quite small, with a tiny sitting room whose walls were completely covered with bookshelves (even the door is hidden behind a bookshelf) and which “had the feeling of a dark, padded cell”.

     The furniture is old and threadbare and the room is lit by a “candle-filled lamp” instead of Muggle electricity. Snape ordered Wormtail to serve some elf-made wine, which led to an argument, then Pettigrew being sent to his room.

     Snape has another connection to wine, which is perhaps fitting as a Potions Master. He used nettle wine as one of the choices in the Potions Riddle which was set up as a defense against Voldemort getting the Philosopher's Stone. Since it was a logic puzzle, he probably thought most wizards couldn't pass it, yet Quirrel got through with the help of Voldemort, and Harry got through with the help of Hermione

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