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Onika Cookie Maraj.

THE resort is gorgeous. Unlike anything I've ever seen, and I've been to more than a few exclusive spas and resorts in my life. My mom loves to indulge in spas and she's taken me on many a "girls only" trip the last few years. She's all about the detox.

But the Hush Resort is more than just a simple spa. And it's definitely more than a hotel too. From what I can see since Beyoncé's taken us on a tour of the lush grounds, it's all about promoting a lifestyle.

Indulgence. Decadence. Sex. That's the message Hush is sending me, albeit in a sophisticated, understated package. I noticed from the moment we were seated in the small on-premise restaurant we're surrounded by couples. Young, old, middle-aged, every one of them is so in tune with each other, so focused and seemingly happy, I can't help but admire each and every one of them.

And also feel a little jealous.

I sat with two people, the lone oddity in the entire restaurant. One is my jerk of a brother who can't quite stop giving Beyoncé grief while stuffing his face. I have no idea what's gotten into Micaiah but it isn't a pleasant sight.

Then there's Beyoncé , who's been quiet since we arrived. She seems almost... nervous, and I've never seen Beyoncé nervous. Of course, I'd never seen Beyoncé naked either, but I sure remedied that last night now, didn't I?

I feel like I'm seeing all the bits and pieces that make her up. It's rather fascinating, though I tell myself I most definitely should not be fascinated. What happened between us was a mistake. Why I can't seem to remember that, I'm not exactly sure.

Hormonal issues maybe? Yes, that must be it.

After breakfast, she takes us for a tour, showing us the gorgeously landscaped grounds with what seems like miles of lush green grass spread around the facility. The rolling hills that surround the hotel location are dotted with the vineyards' neat rows and my eyes are constantly drawn to their simple, efficient beauty. The day is crisp and clear, the sky a startling blue, the sun warm on my skin, and I glance around in utter amazement, overwhelmed with all the natural beauty that's surrounding me.

"You like it?" Beyoncé asks, sounding eager.

"I do." I smile up at her, unable to contain it. I don't want to give her any wrong ideas, but wow, I'm blown away with her resort. "The location is unreal."

"My father bought the property years ago, before I was even born," Beyoncé explains, her gaze going to the vineyards, just like mine does. "The old Knowles Hotel in Napa that's not too far slowly turned into a complete loser, a financial drain. Couldn't turn a profit, was considered in a less-than-ideal location."

"I'm surprised," I say, interrupting her. He turns to look at me, her eyebrows raised, and I shrug. "Just the beauty of the location alone is breathtaking. And you haven't taken us inside any of the buildings yet besides the restaurant. I'm sure I'll become even more impressed."

Micaiah wanders off, seemingly bored with the conversation, but I'm sure he's heard it all before. Funny, how Beyoncé and I have never spent any sort of time alone together like this. Until now.

"Well, I had the original hotel building razed when my father sent me out here. I started over completely from scratch. And when I say it wasn't an ideal location, it's because so many other hotels were built in another, much more populated area. This one was considered out of the way." She slips her hands into the front pockets of his jeans, looking so gorgeous as the breeze ruffles her blonde hair I want to lunge at her. Grab hold and never let go.

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