L|Chapter SIXTEEN.

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Beyoncé BK Knowles.

HEY, what's up? Haven’t heard from you in a while.”

“I’ve been busy.” So damn busy I can hardly breathe. Not so busy that I haven’t been thinking of a certain someone constantly. Hence my reason for calling her brother—I’m digging for information. “You make that deal you told me about?”

“I sure did. Purchased the property for an absolute song. Already have a buyer lined up, and my end of the deal isn’t even closed yet.” Micaiah chuckles, sounding pleased with himself. “It all came together way too easy.”

“That sort of thing usually makes me nervous.” Struggles and roadblocks actually make me feel better when it comes to business. And life. When it’s too easy, there’s always a catch.


“I’ve been working this guy for over a year. This was definitely not an easy deal. I finally got him to cave. I’m a persistent motherfucker when I need to be.” Micaiah full blown laughs.

Wasn’t that the truth? One of the many traits Caiah and I share. “Congrats man.”

“Thanks.” He pauses. “There must be another reason you called. You’re not one for chitchat.”

I blow out a harsh breath, working up my nerve. “Listen, I need Onika’s work number,” I say as nonchalantly as I can, leaning back in my chair so I can stare out the window.

“Why? Call her cell.” Caiah sounds distracted. “Or are you afraid she won’t answer you.”

Damn Caiah for being too perceptive. “I need to talk to her about a business proposition.” Not a lie. The new location is going into fast-forward mode and the interior designer I hired to transform Hush is unavailable. I need someone quick.

I need Onika.

“Are you serious? She’s just a junior associate, you know. I have no idea if she’s up to snuff with what you might need.” Caiah mutters something under his breath, and I hear a female’s soft laugh.

“Way to bag on your sister.” I shake my head, irritated with him. “And where the hell are you anyway?”

“Work. Where the hell are you?”

Doesn’t sound like he’s at work. And he’s awfully quick on the defense. “Come on, just give me her number.”

“Hold on, I need to scroll through my contacts. Give me a minute.”

Tapping my fingers impatiently against the edge of my desk, I wait. I can hear Caiah say something, hear the light tones of a woman answering him, and I wonder who he’s with on a Monday afternoon. Can’t help but feel a little jealous too.

Jealousy is an emotion I’m not used to and definitely not comfortable with. There’s no need to get jealous if I’m never with a woman beyond a night or two, right? I move through life with no entanglements, no relationships beyond my friendships, and even then I don’t let many into my inner circle. Hell, I don’t even stay in regular contact with my mom, not that she cares. She’s too busy hitting the bottle or fighting with my father. And I deal with him only because I have to.

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