L|Chapter FIFTEEN.

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Onika Cookie Maraj.

One week later.

AND so you had sex with her.”

I nod miserably, trying to ignore the glee in my friend, Lauren’s voice. She’s really enjoying my story—a little too much. “I did.”

“And? Was it was awful? Terrible? She was selfish and didn’t bother getting you off? ”

“Lauren,” I whisper harshly, glancing about the restaurant, at the people sitting nearby. Nobody’s paying us any mind. “What if someone heard you?”

“No one heard me, girl stop being dramtic. And quit trying to change the subject. Give me all the dirty details.” Lauren sips from her water glass, her brows raised expectantly.

I sigh, completely put out and embarrassed that she wants to hear everything, yet also perfectly willing to reveal all. I’ve had no one to talk to about my encounter with Beyoncé and I’ve been holding this inside me for an entire week.

Then I see Lauren waiting for me at our usual restaurant for our Saturday lunch date, and I immediately tear up like a baby when she asked what’s new.

I reached my breaking point.

She took one look at my tear-streaked face, my watery eyes, and demanded I tell her what the heck was wrong with me. After purging the entire story of my encounter with Beyoncé in twenty minutes, she’s contemplating me with a gleam in her eye, as if she sees me in a new light. She’s probably impressed—or in shock. I don’t normally do this sort of thing. Lauren’s the adventurous one. I’m the boring one who tends to choose wrong and stay too long.

I definitely don’t do one-night stands with sexy-as-hell people who know just how to touch me to make me go off like a rocket. No one has ever been able to make me go off like a rocket. Ever.

Until now. Until Beyoncé.

“She wasn’t selfish,” I say primly, pressing my lips together to keep from saying what I really want to.

She’s amazing. Hot as hell. The best kisser ever. Oh, and her hand...

A slow smile curves Lauren’s mouth. “Meaning she was all right.”

Better than all right. “She knew what she was doing.”

“Girl, if you don't quit being so vague.” Lauren sounds irritated. Not that I can blame her. I’m being vague on purpose.

“I’m not about to give you any more detail than that. Sorry,” I say chirpily, sipping from my water glass. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Since when? We’ve dished about plenty of our sex life. Now I want details about the one who was actually decent in bed and you’re not talking.” Lauren’s eyes narrow as she contemplates me. “What gives?”

I squirm in my seat. I don’t want to admit that my night with Beyoncé is... special. She’ll probably make fun of me. She should make fun of me. I deserve it. I’m thinking like an idiot. “I really don’t want to relive what happened between Beyoncé and me. It’s too weird. We’ve known each other for too long.”

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