What Gender am I??

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I've listed some identities, but you may be unsure of what you are. That is completely okay. I also explained how to figure out your current gender if you're genderfluid, but you might not even know if you're genderfluid. Some of the tips I gave in the last section can help with this. Refer to yourself with different pronouns, and maybe have a close friend also refer to you with those pronouns to see if you like it. Imagine who you would be if you didn't have to please or conform to others (pronouns, clothes, stuff like that). Also remember that you can be a girl and not wear makeup and wear boys clothes or a boy and wear makeup and dresses. Clothes and makeup don't determine your gender, and neither does hair. It takes time, so don't be scared to try things out and see what works for you. When I first realized I was nonbinary, I thought I was agender, then demiflux, and I now identify as genderfluid, but I'm still not 100% sure and that's okay! Hope this helps!

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