Chapter #2

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Louis Point of View Continues...

I don't know how long I was asleep for before someone opens me curtain quietly whispering me name. I get me eyes to focus, letting out a soft yawn, pulling Harry closer into me chest. Finally, I lock me sapphire orbs with Liam's chocolate ones.

"Sorry Lou but you have to get up and get ready. There will be a car picking us up in 40 minutes" I wink to show that I understand. Liam clears his throat. "That's not all. Umm you..."

"Spit it out Li" I yawned again

"You'll have to wake Harry up" he rushs

"What?" I harshly whisper

"I tried Lou. I really did but they kept saying that he'll be alright and as long as he has his inhaler on him than there shouldn't be a problem."

"Fuck!" Slips off me tongue loudly making Harry shift. Liam and I held our breaths even though we are meant to be waking him up neither of us can bring ourselves to do it right now. Thankfully Harry remains asleep. Liam and I exhale. "Well, shit! Let me get changed and then I'll wake him" I hiss at Liam who nods, thankfully understandability knows, I'm not mad him but at this stupid situation. Before Liam leaves me to extract meself from Harry he adds of his shoulder "Oh, by the way Niall may or may not have snuck by and grabbed a couple of pictures of you guys sleeping." I laugh softly and fondly shake me head.

"Still trying to captain our ship is he?"

"You know it" Liam chuckles. I don't know how I managed it but somehow I pull meself away from Haz. I kissed his temple and play with his hair for a couple of minutes before closing the curtain and getting changed into a black 'Oasis' shirt, a pair of simple black skinny jeans and a pair of black & white 'Vans'. Once I'm ready I decide to pick out Harry's outfit 'cause that way he doesn't have to think when I eventually wake him up. I grab Harry a black silk blouse that is covered in pink love hearts, a simple pair of black ripped skinny jeans and then to finish it off, I grabbed his black pair of 'Chelsea' boots. Happy with meself I show the lads Harry's outfit.

"He is going to love it" exclaimed Niall, Zayn and Liam both nod in agreement.

"You're looking good too Lou." Zayn throws out the compliment casually. I smile and made me back to the sleeping quarter's and slowly reopened the curtain of me bunk and swallowed the lump that grew in the back of me throat. Ever so gently I kiss Harry's temple and whisper softly in his ear. Harry shifts and tries to borrow deeper into the blankets.

"Come on Hazza. You Have to get up now love."

"No. I don't want to..." He mutters, his voice thick with sleep. he speaks so deeply and slowly that it slurs his words to point of almost mincing them, making it hard to follow what he saying, thankfully I can understand him and the years of listening to him sleep talk has helped too.

"I know baby, but management says you have to come." I whisper into the shell of his ear.

"But I don't want to go." he repeats yawning. I smile and start playing with his hair. I can't help meself I've always got to touch it. I'm a sucker for his curls. Especially now that his hair has grown passed his shoulders. Harry sighs. "I guess I don't get a choice in the matter." He simply states "But I have no idea what to wear."

"That my dear Harold has been taken care of by yours truly." He laughs, and I smile.

"Alright. Show me." I picked the outfit up from Harry's bunk from where I placed it, and I held it up for him to see it. "Wow! I should let you dress me more often."

"Don't be cheeky." we both laugh and Harry climbs down from me bunk and proceeds to get dressed. When he is ready we head to the front of the bus. Zayn, Niall and Liam are ready to go by the time we get there. Zayn is wearing a black shirt with the 'Batman' logo on the front, black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of black 'Doc Martens'. Niall is wearing a patterned plain long sleeve shirt, plain black skinny jeans and a pair of green 'Chelsea' boots that are the same shade as his shirt and Liam is wearing a white tank singlet under an open red flannel long sleeved shirt, blue ¾ straight legged jeans and a pair of tanned 'Blundstone' tradie boots.

"I guess we're ready to go." Niall expresses smiling brightly.

"I guess we are." Harry punctuates, entangling our fingers and leaning on me shoulder. There is a beep of horn outside the bus, letting us know that our ride has arrived. I quickly grabbed my wallet, phone, keys and one of Harry's inhalers and shoved the items into me pocket.

"Well let's get this show on the road." Zayn sighs leading the way off the bus. Once Niall and Liam are outside Harry quickly pulls me into a hug.

"Love you Boobear."

"Love you too Baby." I say and swiftly press our lips together.

"Come on love let's go before Liam goes into 'Dad' mode." Harry sighs but never releases me hand. Rope and anchor. I gently lead him off the bus and into the waiting car.

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