Louis' Point of View
I don't know how long me, and the lads waited for. We were restless and tired, and I personally was started to get annoyed. I just wanted to know what the hell was wrong with Haz already. Soon (three hours later to be exact) Dr. Hunter returned but before he could say anything Liam spoke,
"Doctor why was Louis sedated?" I raised my eyebrows at him. Harry is fooking unconscious and all he wanted to know why I was knocked out! Is he kidding me?!"From what the E.R. department had reported to me. Mr Tomlinson, after witnessing Mr Styles second seizure became aggressive and uncontrollable to the point he was fighting the staff and seeing as no-one could approached the patient. The E.R. doctor thought it best to sedate Mr. Tomlinson to gain access to Mr. Styles without any further delays." Liam gasped, Niall laughed, and Zayn rolled his amber eyes. Liam went to open his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it.
"It's Harry. It me spouse, me husband of cause I lost me shit alright. Me composure snapped and me nerves were fooked. I believe it was a given?" Liam's mouth snapped shut and he fell silent. Zayn and Niall rolled their eyes and we all turned back to the doctor.
"Alright, all the tests results came back and it seems Mr. Styles Is suffering a severe allergic reaction to a drug known as Ketamine aka horse tranquilliser. Do you know why Mr. Styles would have this in his system?" we all shook our heads and muttered the word "no." Dr. Hunter looks at us questioningly. "You guys wouldn't be my first high profilers with drug related situations to walk into this hospital." I jumped up from me chair and locked eyes with him, anger rolling off me like a volcanic pyroclastic cloud.
"That young lad happens to be my fooking husband mate. I would bloody know if he was taking fooking drugs. Bloody hell! We're legit stuck together with these three..." pointing at Niall, Liam and Zayn, "twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week! I think someone would have noticed if Harry was high as a fooking kite!" seething, Liam pulled me back down on to the seat and told me to breathe. Dr. Hunter with his neutral face didn't express or say anything until I was calm.
"The next thing I'm going to say will be hard to hear but ketamine is also known as a 'Date Rape' drug." my head snap up from the ground which I was staring at in order to keep my cool. Niall, Zayn and Liam gasped loudly.
"Are you saying someone..." Liam began
"Yes. I'm saying that the only logical explanation left is Mr. Styles was drugged." Dr. Hunter finished, all a sudden the floor was in my face and I saw black.

I'm Not Hopeless Just Helpless
FanfictionRecovering from a cold that has affected his asthma making him more prone than usual to asthma attacks Harry Styles wanted nothing more but to come off stage and chill with his husband only to find that 'One Direction' needs to make a appearance at...