Chapter #18

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Liam's Point of View

The tension in the room was so thick that I doubt I knife could cut through it. This is the first time I've seen Louis get really mad. I personally think he's been a bit of denial about the whole ordeal like it's just a nightmare but naturally Darcy couldn't shut up and had to continue with;

"It's not like he was dying." Niall and Zayn stood back as soon as they saw Louis tense up. Dr. Hunter who was standing beside me whispered to me,

"Should I be removing my patient from his grasp?" I shook my head quickly.

"It's the rest of him that is tense, if you look really carefully at his arms you'll notice they're loose. Doc there's one thing you should never have to worry about and that is Louis hurting Harry. He would never dream of it." Dr. Hunter nodded as Darcy stared at Louis both of them never breaking eye contact with each other.

"Yes, he was and as a matter of fact he did." Louis said so slowly that it made Zayn and Niall take a step towards the door and actually I went over and stood there with them because Louis is close to losing it. Dr. Hunter went to Louis and whispered something to him because next thing I know Louis has taken the biggest breath in history and gently removed himself from Harry but somehow he managed to comb his hands through Harry's hair the entire time. Once Louis was standing up straight, Dr. Hunter went through and checked Harry's vitals. I honestly don't know how Harry stayed asleep, than again Louis has always had that effect on him I guess.

"What do you mean Mr. Tomlinson?"

"He stopped breathing. I had to perform C.P.R. cracking Harry's sternum in the process. So, don't you dare stand there acting all high and mighty when technically this is all your fault!"

"Oh please Mr. Tomlinson how was this our fault?"

"Liam rang you and told you Harry wasn't well enough to go out, but you made him than some mental case spike his drink with fooking ketamine. Do you know what this drug is used for?!" Louis demanded as he tried to step closer to Darcy, but Harry still had a hold of Louis hand. Thank God!

"Enlighten me Mr. Tomlinson."

"You lot forget I have fucking sisters and I'm always warning them against going to a club when they don't feel like it because that is when bad shit tends to happen! Did you know Harry wasn't old enough to be there to begin with?"

"Yes but..."

"And you still made him fooking go! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Louis yelled I saw Harry open his eyes they locked onto mine and he mouthed "Get her out of here please."  as I was about to comply to the request Louis yelled again.

"He's drink got spiked and he had a reaction to the drug they spiked it with. This reaction caused him to stop breathing after a major seizure! And you still forced him to go to a club that he shouldn't have been at!" Harry whimpered quietly that I almost missed it. Seeing him distress I moved from where I was standing with Niall and Zayn and walked in front of him so he couldn't see anything but my face. I pulled a funny face in hopes of coaching a smile out of him. Thankfully Harry isn't one to be serious, he smiles. His green eyes twinkling. I smile bigger and pat his head.

"Just close your eyes Haz. You and I both know this has been building up for a while and right now lad you're a bit broken to be his usual outlet." I say softly this caused Harry to roll is eyes and bush deeply because Louis usual outlet was to make rough love to Harry and then follow it up with loads of aftercare. Massaging Harry's scalp deeper I managed to get him to drift back to a somewhat peaceful state.

"Li what you doing?" Louis asks making me jump cause I thought he was still in a yelling match with Darcy but there's no menace behind just genuine curiosity.

"He woke up half through your match, so I was coaching him into going to back to sleep." Louis smiled fondly at me and nodded his head in thanks.

"Should he be sleeping this much mate?" Louis worried.

"His body needs to recover. This way he'll heal faster." someone then clears their throat behind me Louis rolls his eyes so epically that I thought they were going to get stuck.

"We're not done yet Mr. Tomlinson."

"Yes, we are. Now get the fook out. I'm putting the entire management team on the no visit list and I swear to God if you wake Harry up again we are going to have bigger issues than what we already have. Oh, and I sue for reckless endangerment."

"You can't do that!" Darcy shouted.

"Oh, yes I fucking can seeing as I'm Harry legal guardian." Dr. Hunter who has been watching the scene unfold turns to Niall and asks him why Louis doesn't say he is married to Harry seeing as he was very vocal about it with him. Niall laughed and whispery told Dr. Hunter that management doesn't know about their marriage.

"and we're going to keep that way." Zayn tacked on almost threatening. Thankfully, Darcy was too busy staring at Louis with her mouth open in the shape of an 'O'.

"You... you...can't Mr Tomlinson!"

"Oh, yes I can, and it would be as simple as (1) You knew the age restriction, (2) Liam and I noted that he wasn't well enough to leave the bus in the first place and (3) You want to remove him from medical help when he has not yet be cleared for. So, Zayn do you think I have enough grounds to sue them on?" Zayn chuckled darkly.

"Fuck, yeah more than enough." then Louis turned to me.

"Liam, what about you?"

"As I was the one who rang them originally and begged them not to let Harry leave the bus or send him home as Harry lives around the corner of the 'O2' Arena and as he suffered a mild asthma on stage beforehand. He still had to go to that thing you guys called a venue. I'd say I'm a witness, especially if court was call in a certain aspect of your relationship." Niall just nodded eagerly. Louis smiled darkly.

"Dr. Hunter if you would be so kind to call security and have her removed I would very much appreciate it." Dr. Hunter laughed before alerting a nearby nurse on the situation.

"Mr. Tomlinson when security arrives please give them a list of people you would like banned from the hospital." nodding enthusiastically Louis borrows Dr. Hunter's pen and notepad writing down everybody's name from management expect for Simon Cowell, Louis deemed he could stay as we've never had a personal problem with him. We lapsed into silence and Darcy had been removed. We contemplated what the next move would be. The only thing that broke the silence was the steady beep of Harry's heart monitor.

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