Louis Point of View
God, my head was killing me. What the hell happened? The last thing I remember was Harry... something was wrong with my Hazzabear and that's it. Shit! Harry! I need to find Harry. I went to stand up, but I felt dizzy. I need to get to Harry. He needs me! Just as I am about to attempt stand up again Zayn and Niall bust in.
"They sedated you?" They shouted at the same time, "Are they even allowed to do that?" I wipe my hands down my face.
"Yes, and yes." I sigh heavily, "If they deemed me a danger to staff, the patient or to meself they are with their rights to knock me out. Obviously I became too worked up about something and I left them no other choice." Zayn and Niall nodded in understanding. My head finally became clear enough to stand up and I proceed to walk through the open door.
"Tommo do you know where you're going lad?" Zayn called out with a cheeky smile plastered on his face and I could hear Niall chuckling also.
"To Harry." I reply like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Oh yeah? Where is he?" I stare blankly at Zayn as he and Niall caught up to me.
"Luckily for you both Zayn and I know the way."Niall states proudly while wrapping an arm around me shoulder and leading me to the lift. Zayn pressed the call button for the lift, as soon as it came Niall pressed the fifth-floor button and away we went. Niall never removed his arm from my shoulder and Zayn kept looking at me through his eye lashes.
"I'm fine lads." I state once the doors dinged open on our level.
"Yeah and I'm a from Scotland." Niall sassed. I rolled my eyes and Zayn chuckled weakly. We quickly reached the I.C.U. and saw Liam sitting in the waiting area, he wiped his hands across his face before turning to us. I ran over to him and gave him a hug.
"You okay?"
"No Louis. You were fucking sedated. Why?"
"I don't remember lad." Liam shook his head and sighed heavily.
"The Doctors won't tell me anything." I nodded and headed for the nurses station as Niall and Zayn sat down. One of the nurses looked right at me.
"Can I help you lovely?"
"Yes, I need to enquire about my husband."
"Name and age please."
"Harry Tom..." I'm cut off by Liam calling out.
"You have to go by his maiden name Louis. The hospital only recognises you as his legal guardian." I winked at him to show that heard him and readdressed the nurse, "Styles, Harry Edward. Age 20". The nurse typed away on her computer before looking me.
"Alright it seems that Mr. Styles is in the care of Dr. Nick Hunter. I'll let him know that you're here. Please be seated" I sighed and sat down with the boys. After sitting in complete silence we were eventually approached ten minutes later by a middle aged, tall, toned, slim looking bloke.
"Hi I'm Dr. Nick Hunter. Who are you lot?"
"I'm Niall."
"I'm Liam."
"I'm Zayn."
"And I'm Louis."
"And we are 'One Direction'!" we said at the same time. Dr. Hunter rolled his hazel eyes. What crawled up his arse and died? I couldn't be wonder to meself.
"Your relationship to my patient?" He asked sternly, glaring at us like we've just pissed in his tea.
"I'm his guardian." I glared back "And these are our brothers and fellow band members if it wasn't obvious." the doctor nodded. His facial expression blank. I couldn't get a read on him at all.
"You're the one we had to sedate earlier?" he asked out of nowhere, I just nodded. "I'm not going to sugar-coat anything." The lads and I sighed but made a gesture for him to continue. Liam moved to sit next to me and threw an arm over my shoulder, I smile gratefully at him before swinging my attention back to Dr. Hunter. "We are currently running tests on Mr. Styles. We hope to get the results within the next couple of hours. Now the patient came in unconscious. He remains that way, we have determined that his sternum has been cracked due to C.P.R., he had a major asthma attack which caused his throat is swell. Leaving us no choice but to make a small Incision just under his vocal box, that way, we could insert a breathing tube. We think whatever is attacking body is the reason he suffered two major seizers, the first one must have sent his body into shock, making us believe that is the reason he stopped breathing and the second was stress, thankfully that one didn't affect his lungs and we were able to keep him stable. The key element we're missing is how Mr. Styles came to be in this condition. So, boys walk me through your night. Mr. Tomlinson you first." and off I went, I started how we got off stage, how Harry was still recovering from a cold that mess around with his asthma, the venue we had to go to after the damn show, how we came home, fell asleep and finally how I discovered Harry, when it was the lads turn their stories matched mine so the doctor didn't anything, well except.
"Did he consume any alcohol?" we all shook our heads and I proceed to tell him what the bouncer at the club said to us. "The next one I have to ask because we always do the test. Did he partake in any drugs? recreational or otherwise?" again we all shook our heads and I explained that Zayn and I sometimes partook in Marijuana, but Harry doesn't take it because makes him feel tired and I'm always concerned about it sparking an asthma attack. Dr. Hunter nodded and then told me there was some forms that needed filling out, they ranged from Harry's medical history to permission forms for tests that the hospital wanted to do. I filled them out in in silence and once completed handed them over. Dr. Hunter then he left without another word. I sighed and decided to hunker down, the lads did the same and we waited for Dr. Hunter to return.

I'm Not Hopeless Just Helpless
FanfictionRecovering from a cold that has affected his asthma making him more prone than usual to asthma attacks Harry Styles wanted nothing more but to come off stage and chill with his husband only to find that 'One Direction' needs to make a appearance at...