Hydrangea flowers (14)

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He sat on the rooftop for an hour and a half, he was just thinking, about the world about him and Skeppy, about humans and about Zak.

He was broken, because he realized that Zak, unlike him, actually had a lifespan and that eventually he would have to kill him. He debated on that wondering what would happen if he didn't do his job correctly? Will Skeppy be mad? That was a stupid question he wouldn't be mad, he would be furious. He then remembered how him and Skeppy used to be so close, they used to be happy and loving best friends, but the humans had to ruin their friendship with favoritism. Then he thought about it. Was it really their fault? Or was he the one overreacting? Was Skeppy right, were the humans just not developed yet? Where was Skeppy, was he ok?

So many more questions flooded his mind as he watched the sunset. He than remembered he had to meet Zaks' parents soon, so he without thinking flew to a flower shop, fully transformed into his devil self and looked at the cashier confused.

"C-can I he-help you, sir or uhm flying creature."- The cashier, who saw him just fly through the door, was terrified.

"I would like to buy flowers."- Dave realized he had fucked up, but kept a straight face.

"YES, right away, please have all of them, just please don't hurt me, they are on the house."- The cashier gave him a bouquet of blue Hydrangea flowers. And but his hands up.

"I'm not gonna hurt you dude, well I will have to kill you at some point, but not now."- Dave thought out loud.

"What?"- The cashier looked even more terrified.

"No- Ugh that's not what I meant. Ok whatever thanks for the flowers."- Dave flew out of the shop.

He was in front of Zaks' house, this time remembering to go back to his human form, as he rang the doorbell. He herd a few quick footsteps as Zak opened the door.

"Dave!"- He screeched as he hugged the taller.

"Woah, hey Zak, you miss me?"- Dave chuckled and he hugged him back.

"Hell yeah I did."- Zak let go.

"Well I bought you some flowers, I hope you like them."- He smiled as he gave the shorter the bouquet.

"Aww thank you, they are beautiful."- Zak took them gladly.

"Well, they are Hydrangea flowers, really pretty ones two."- Dave smiled.

They saw Zaks' parents walk up to them both smiling.

"Zak honey, you guys need to come inside, you'll catch a cold."- His mom giggled.

"Oh, sorry mom."- Zak walked inside with Dave behind him.

"Well mom, dad this is Dave, my boyfriend."- Zak introduced him, as he held his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Carder, I know we didn't exactly meet in the best ceremonies."- Dave chuckled remembering how they caught them kissing yesterday.

"Don't worry about it Dave, and please call us Naz and Jen."- His mom laughed along with him.

The dinner went great, Zaks' parents really liked Dave, and he surprisingly was very fond of them two.

A/n Hi, I haven't said this in a long time so.... *inhale* WASH YOUR MUTHERFUCKIN' HANDS YOU PEACE OF SHIT (don't take that seriously plz)urwelcomeShadysoplzacualydoitthistimethankyou bai ilya =)

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