Chapter 2

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~Miranda's POV~

I woke up to my alarm going off. I turned it off and realized it was 8:30. I had to be at my clients house at 10. I texted the client and asked them for the address. They told me it was a tour bus and they sent me their location. I was a little confused about the tour bus but I just shrugged it off. I cut a lot of singer's hair before. I got up and realized Hailey had already left. We had so much fun last night. Definitely a night I wouldn't forget. I smiled thinking about last night and got into the shower. My mom was still here so she was downstairs with Skyla. As soon as I was done I blow dried my hair and curled it with my straightener. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a hair stylist T-shirt that I have. I threw on some natural makeup. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Mama!" Skyla yelled.

"Hi sweet girl," I kissed her on the forehead because she had a jelly stained face from eating toast.

I grabbed some toast and poured myself a cup of coffee to go considering I had to leave in a few minutes.

"Goodmorning baby," my mom said scrambling some eggs.

"Hey mom," I finished up my coffee and grabbed my purse and keys. "I gotta go I should be home in about 2 hours."

"Okay honey be safe," she said finishing up making the eggs. "Love you."

"Love you both!" I yelled walking out.

I got into my car and it took me an hour to get there. They were at a truck stop which was kind of weird but I could understand. I parked beside the tour bus and knocked on the door. A man came and answered it and welcomed me in. I looked inside and there was Morgan Wallen.

"Oh my goodness," I gasped. "Hi! Your show was great last night by the way!"

~Morgan's POV~

I couldn't tell you how shocked I was when I saw that girl walk through that door.

"Your show was great last night by the way!" She said and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Thank you!" I smiled and I pulled her into a hug. "You were at the meet and greet right?"

"Yes!" She smiled back. "Well where would you like to get your hair cut?"

"Right here is fine," I said sitting down in a chair in the middle of the floor.

She put the cape over me.

"So what's your name?" I asked her as she got set up. "I never thought to ask my manager when he made the appointment."

"Miranda," she said.

"What a beautiful name," I mumbled loud enough for her to hear me.

I looked over and she was blushing. I look back straight.

"So how do you like living here in Texas," I asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"I love it here," she answered. "Thankfully my mom and step dad moved here as well after my grandparents have died. My best friend and I moved here from Virginia to get a change of scenery before she had her baby. Then I ended up having one of my own. I made a couple of friends through YouTube that also have kids here in Texas."

"So you're a mom?" I asked.

"Yeah," you could hear the smile in her voice.

"Your husband must be lucky," I said.

"Oh no! I'm single. As soon as I told my boyfriend at the time that I was pregnant he left me. It's just been me and my baby girl ever since."

"I'm sure you're a great mom."

"I like to tell myself that but sometimes I question it."

"Well I'm sure you don't have to question it. From what I can see, you seem like a great mom."

I looked at her as she looked at my hair. She smiled and blushed.

"So what do you want done?" She asked playing around with my hair. "Wanna keep the legendary mullet?"

"Yeah," I laughed.

She grabbed some scissors and a spray bottle full of water. She started to do my hair.

"So you said you had a girl?" I asked her bring up more conversation.

"Yes," she answered.

"What's her name?"

"Skyla Reign Brooks."

"That's so pretty. I've always wanted to name one of my kids Reign."


"Yeah. I've always liked that name."

"Interesting. I fell in love with Skyla and one of my friends ended up having a daughter named Skyla as well when we met."

"And you said you do YouTube?"

"Yeah somewhat. I do my job but I also vlog sometimes and share videos. I started when I got pregnant to be able to look back. That's kind of the only reason I do it. But I ended up falling in love with it. Once it picked up on YouTube I became part time cosmetologist instead of full time."

"That's awesome."

I smiled. Just listening to her felt different. I could listen to her all day. Once she was done I decided to just go for it.

"Um do you think we could exchange numbers?" I asked her rubbing the back of my neck.

"Um yeah!" She handed me her phone and I handed her mine.

I saw her cheeks turn red and I smiled. She was absolutely beautiful.

~Miranda's POV~

He really just asked for my number. My heart was beating so fast and I had no idea I happened to be cutting his hair today. As soon as I said my goodbyes I packed up my stuff into my car and just sat there in shock. I drove the hour home and walked in my house. By the time I got home it was about 12:30.

"Hey honey," my mom said. "Skyla is sleeping."

"Mom you would never believe what happened today," I said sitting down on the couch next to her. "I cut Morgan Wallen's hair. And last night when we met him at the meet and greet I caught him staring as we were walking away. Today he asked for my number."

"What?!" My mom asked just as surprised as me.

"That was my exact reaction."

"Awh honey! I know you're surprised but happy on the inside!"

"Oh trust me I am. Also, thank you so much for last night and today. You can go home if you want."

"I think I will get going. I love you so much. Call me if you need anything."

"I will. I love you too mom."

We hugged goodbye and she left. My dog Bo came and climbed into my lap.

"Hi Bo Bo," I said to him.

I turned on a movie and started watching it since Skyla was sleeping. I felt my phone buzz and it was a text from Morgan.

Morgan: Hey, thanks so much for the cut! I had fun talking with you today.
Me: Awh you're welcome! I did too! Even though I felt like I talked too much.
Morgan: I loved getting to know you. Well I'm here until 3 days from now. So if you wanted to go out sometime I'd be glad to.
Me: Of course! I might have to bring along Skyla if that's okay?
Morgan: Of course, I would love to meet her.
Me: Okay good. Well what about tomorrow afternoon? I can come pick you up?
Morgan: Well we're getting a room so I can probably hitch a ride to your place?
Me: Okay I'll send you the address! 2:30 okay with you? It gives Skyla enough time to have a nap.
Morgan: Perfect. See you then :)

I couldn't tell you how wide my smile was. I can't believe this is happening. I called Hailey and told her absolutely everything. She was so excited for me. I heard Skyla starting to wake up so I went upstairs and got her.

"Hi baby," I cooed at her.

"Ma!" She yelled jumping up and down in her crib.

I got her out and changed her diaper. I realized she had a runny nose. I really hope she wasn't getting sick.

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