A small One-Shot inspired by one of the Scenes from "The Force Awakens"
Stepping out of his old Spaceship, the one he called his home for such a long time - since the day he first flew with it and shortly after that won it in a game of cards against Lando - his eldery eyes met her. The young brunette stood at the edge of the cliff they landed on, her eyes focused on the lake and the breathtaking nature around it. Taking a deep breath he made his way to her, reaching out to hand her one of the guns he held in his hands.
"You might need this.", he muttered, while she slowly turned to him. A slight grin appeared on her face as she confidently looked him in the eyes. "I think I can handle myself.", the younger one responsed, implying that he thought she wouldn't know how to defense herself. But she got him wrong. If he would have had the slightest doubt about her beeing able to take care of herself, he would have kept all weapons as far away from her as possible. "I know you do. That's why I'm giving it to you.", he responded, waving the gun in front of her face. With a last "Take it.", he looked away from her and to the lake while she reached for the gun.
The second the metal didn't touch his hand anymore, the girl von Jakku shot her arm forward, clenching the gun in a awkward grip, making it seem as if she was about to commit a desastrous failure.
"You know how to use one of those?", he questioned her through her way of holding it, one eye squeezed shut, as she returned. "Yeah, you pull the trigger."
Oh good lord, what did I do, was the only thing Han Solo thought as he watched the brunette. "Little bit more to it than that.", he responded, grabbing her arm and pulling it back, not wanting her to harm anybody, including herself.
For a brief moment he frowned, because a thought crossed his mind that he didn't want to think of in that situation. "You have a lot to learn."
He hesitated, allowing his thoughts to run free for a brief second, allowing himself to accept that this girl reminded him of his own son, back in the days before Luke took care of him, made him his apprentice. She reminded him of Ben because of her boldness, the way she took care of her self and was able to produce a lifechanging desaster within the same moment. Her ability to appear confident with everything she does without having a single clue and to proud to ask for help. Han had no doubt that his son would have liked that girl if he would have met her before...
"You got a name?", he asked, mainly to distract himself from the way his thoughts were leading to. He turned towards the girl, as she answered. "Rey.", he repeated, before turning back to the lake, watching the water before he continued talking to the girl - Rey.
Reylo | We deserved better
Fanfiction*** SPOILER WARNING - Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker *** A One-Shot of the final scenes of the Movie but.... With a different ending.