Small Bedroom

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Stan: This is where you will be sleeping.

Kayriss7: This room is too small! The door is too close to the bed! And there are cigarette butts, on the floor!

Stan: Shut up, and get ready for bed!

Kayriss7: The bathroom is too small, too! Not enough space!

Stan: Shut up, I say!

Kayriss7: *closes the door to the room she is staying in, but it opens back up, with a screechy sound* I am never sleeping at this house, again.

This story was written on Wednesday, April 29th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! 😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘😘💛😘💛😘😘😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛💛😘💛😘💛😘💛

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