Mary Uses His Syrup Gun

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MaryKLago: *looks at Jaru's syrup gun* I remember this! He used to squirt it on Amanda, last year. *squirts some on the wall by accident* Oops!

xjarutox: Mary, don't you ever use my syrup gun, without my permission!

MaryKLago: Sorry! I just wanted to test it out for myself.

xjarutox: All you could have done, was asked. Not that hard.

MaryKLago: I'm really sorry, Jaru. *cries and goes to her room*

xjarutox: Oh, great. Mary! *knocks on her door*

MaryKLago: *crying into her pillow*

xjarutox: Mary, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you!

MaryKLago: *still crying into her pillow*

xjarutox: Mary, come on! I didn't mean it!

Me: What's going on, Jaru?

xjarutox: Nothing! Just saying good bye to Mary! Bye, Mary! *quickly goes downstairs*

Me: *opens the door and sees Mary crying into her pillow* Babe, what's wrong? Talk to me.

Kayriss7: Mary, you okay? What's wrong with her, babe?

Me: She won't tell me!

Kayriss7: Oh dear.

This story was written on Monday, May 4th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! 😘💛😘💛😘💛😘😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛

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