Ryan Will Be Going To Indiana Next Month

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Ryan: I'm going to Indiana next month.

Me: Why?

Ryan: A cousin of mine is getting married!

MaryKLago: Wow, that's so sweet!

Ryan: Yup! My cousin's name is Bradley. The wedding is on June 13th.

Jack: Can I come?

Ryan: No! Family only!

Jack: Please! Take me to Indiana with you!

Ryan: No!

Tina: Didn't you hear him? He said, family only!

Charlie: Where in Indiana? And who's the lucky lady?

Ryan: Terra Haute, and her name is Tiffany.

Charlie: I'm sure your cousin is one lucky man!

Ryan: He is!

tearfulsmile: How are you gonna get to Indiana?

Ryan: Flying. It's too long of a drive from Idaho to Indiana.

xjarutox: I can't wait to get married one day!

Me: Same here, man!

Jack: I want to get married!

Kayriss7: Fat chance, Jack! I don't see that happening!

Jack: You'll see! And Ryan, if I ever get invited to a wedding in Arkansas, I'm not taking you with me! See how you like it!

Tina: He's just mad, because he isn't taking Jack to Indiana with him.

tearfulsmile: Yeah, grow up, Jack! What part of family only, didn't you understand?

Jack: I just don't want to be left out of fun events.

Me: You're not part of the family, Jack!

MaryKLago: Give it a rest, Jack!

This story was written on Monday, May 4th, 2020. (Star Wars Day)

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks, and may the fourth be with you! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘❤️😘❤️💙❤️😘❤️💙💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙💙❤️❤️😘💙💙💙💙

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