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Y/n's POV

My mom had me haul the boxes into my new house in San Diego. It wasn't nearly as nice as LA, but if it makes my mom happy, I'll deal with it.

I'm not the girl that breaks the rules. My mom says I was always the easiest child against my older sister and brother.

(A/n if u don't have any siblings, just pretend)

My sister on the other hand was more stubborn. She got everything she wanted. That's what it's like being the oldest.

My brother was the middle. We mostly forgot about him. He's the basic athletic kid everyone at school has a crush on.

You think I'd be the one to get what I wanted with just a "please?" But if I'm honest, I'm just easy to push around. I do all the favors, chores, but not a single allowance.

"Y/n! There is five more boxes in the car you need to get!" Y/s/n called. As always, she's gonna make me do the dirty work.

"How bout you try getting it yourself," I said as I pulled the boxes into the kitchen.

"Fine!" She groaned as she finally set her phone down to go grab her boxes.

We all began to unpack, and since I did all the work, my mom finally gave me a raise. She let me have my own room. There where only three rooms, which meant my siblings had to share one.

I dragged the boxes upstairs into the bedroom I had chose. It was nice and roomy, it had a lot of space. The ceiling was high and it had its own bathroom.

It course, my sister was pissed. But what can I say, hard work pays off really well.

I was unboxing all my valuables when I could hear faint knocks on my window. I looked to my right to see a window with bright light coming through it from the sun.

And faintly I saw a blonde haired boy, throwing little pebbles at my window. I set some of my stuff down on the floor as I calmly walked over to the window, sitting on a pillow and opening up the window.

"Homesickle, you almost broke my window with those boulders," I joked, trying to make a good first impression. Obviously it worked as he responded with a laugh.

"It was a pebble, cool your beans," he said. "I was just trying to get your attention."

"Congratulations, here I am and I brought my attention with me, got anything Homesickle?" I asked.

"I wanted to introduce myself since we are going to be neighbors," he started off. "My names Leonardo, but you can call me Leo, if you want."

"Cool beans, my name is Y/n and sadly there is nothing attached to that," I said as I rested my arms on the edge of the window.

"Sadly?" He asked.

"Sadly, I'm not 'Y/n the great' or 'Y/n with an X" I joked.

"Well Y/n seems cool enough," he said, awkwardly pointing finger guns.

"Cool enough," I said, returning the finger guns and pretending to flip down a pair of shades.

Suddenly, I heard Y/s/n call my name. "Y/n!" I heard her yell my name in vein. Leo looked surprised as he pulled his head up by the screaming.

"Don't mind that, it's my sister," I reassured him. "I'm coming! Don't come in!" I said back, but it was to late, she already barged straight into the room.

"Y/n! I told you to bring the-" she was obviously caught off guard by seeing me talking to Leo.

"Oh, who is this," my sister said slyly as she sat right next to me. Technically, pushing me out of the way.

𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 - 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙻. 𝙳𝚒𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚘Where stories live. Discover now