Fucked Royaly

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Y/n's POV

"Lady Y/n, you can't take the car at this time of night, especially without your father or bodyguard by your side!" A annoying maid crept onto my nerves with stupid remarks my father had set as rules for the afternoon. Honestly, I couldn't hate her more.

"I don't give two flying fucks! I'm taking the convertible, don't expect me to be home in the morning," I said as I flipped off the pesky bug my dad used as a excuse for a maid. She did shit around the house and was there for my dad to fuck behind my moms back. My family was fucked up, and I'm leaving it.

"But Y/n, please! If you leave your father will never trust me again and I'll be fired!" The house pet  said as she continued to follow me into the cold night.

"Oh no it's fine! Just give him a good blow job and it'll all be fine, here take my room!" I said as I grabbed the keys to the red convertible that sat outside untouched ever since my parents had bought it. It was just for show off, obviously. But I plan on using it for my own well being.

"Please Y/n, this is so unlike you! Your so nice and-"

"Maybe I'm not nice, maybe I'm just tired of people like you fucking everything up! If you were never here, I would have less headaches and more time with my parents!" I said as I hopped inside of the bright red car that didn't look so bright in the dark, humid night. It was indeed beautiful, and I planned to drive to the stars away from this horror story everyone else would call reality.

As I put the keys in the car, I pushed the stick into drive and pushed on the peddle to get out of the mansion as soon as I could, hearing the pest call from behind me, begging me to stay. I took a quick peek at the review mirror to see the mitten on her hands and knees, crying. How pathetic?

I almost laughed out loud, shifting my gaze back to the road. I wasn't paying attention, and noticed there was a red light right in front of me and a biker was crossing the street. I hit the breaks as fast as possible as I looked in front of me to apologize to the poor soul, as I caught a glimpse of a middle finger right my way.

Who did this bitch think they were?

"You wanna race or something since your so cocky?" I asked as I raised a eyebrow to the kid in front of me on his bike. He just shrugged his shoulders and said "you were the one driving like a little girl."

Little girl?

"Do you want to go?" I sat up straight as I looked the boy right in his eyes. He had dark blue orbs, and they were perfect to fall into if you weren't careful. Although we were in the dark night, his eyes were lit up from street lights and car blinkers. And his hair-

"Sure-" the kid said as he started to ride his bike in the other direction. I scoffed as he didn't leave me any time to get prepared, and I quickly hit the gas. I squinted as I caught a look of the guy on the bike, he wasn't that far in front of me and I could easily pass him if I went over the speed limit a little...

We made it to a red light, but the boy waited for me like the light had applied to him too. I sighed, I guess he was just trying to make it fair, but it pissed me off he had the audacity to look at me while we waited for the light to turn green.

"So, your a pretty rich girl huh?" The blonde asked as he tried to start up a conversation. I gave him the "rich girl look" as I rolled my eyes and stared back forward, itching for the light to turn green so we didn't have to have a discussion.

"Sure, if it helps you to know," I said as I kept my gaze forward, trying to make least eye contact as possible with the boy, not taking the risk of what I might do if I fall into those deep blue eyes. "The names Y/n L/n."

"As in Y/n, the daughter of the man who created L/n Industries?" The guys voice started to annoy me as he kept on asking questions. The light turned green as I immediately stepped on the gas and raced out wall calling back to him, "Yeah that shithead!"

I heard a light laugh from beside me to see the kid had caught up to me and was in fact right besides me. I almost lost complete vision of what was in front of me as I stepped on the breaks. I gasped from the sudden fast friction of the car stopping right in the middle of the road.

"Do you know how to drive a car?" The guy asked as he smirked at me. I felt anger rise in a form of red on my face as I quickly pulled over and exited the vehicle. I walked over to the guy on the bike as I got a nice inch between our faces.

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that!? Do you know where I come from? I suggest you better tone down your attitude or-"

"Or what? You'll call your father on me? That's not the first time I've heard that one..." He said as he took his helmet off from his head. I pieced together his look and it almost made me loose my breathe. His hair blew in the light breeze of the wind, and his eyes pulled it off completely, as I mentioned. I was mostly focused on his lips... they looked so-

"you like what your seeing?" He ask me. I didn't respond as I instead just moved fixed my eyes on his, not afraid to get trapped in them any longer.

"What's your name boy?" I asked as I twirled the car keys of the convertible in my hands, slowly twisting it around my finger.

"What is it to you?" 

"A lot."

he sighed as the blonde looked in a different direction, breaking our staring contest and no longer looking into my eyes. "Its Leonardo, but you  can call me Leo. I'm not sharing my last name," He said with a plain face, not showing any excitement to actually introduce himself to me.

"Well I guess I had a good time racing with you. I needed that to get over my rage I have with my family," I said as I kind of regretted telling a stranger my problems, but I guess Leo was no longer a stranger...

"Hey, do you want a drink perhaps? O-on me of course," I asked Leonardo before I completely lost contact with him. Something drew me to him, and I don't know what, I just can't seem to catch these feelings when I'm with anyone else and I don't want the feeling to leave.

"Sure rich girl," He responded with a smile. I of course smiled back as I reminded him "Its Y/n".

And suddenly, my spirits were lifted and I no longer felt angry about my families situation. I was their problem  now...

𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 - 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙻. 𝙳𝚒𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚘Where stories live. Discover now