My Romeo

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(Romeo Montague x Reader)

I know absolutely no Shakespeare so I'm using a translator lol

Y/n's POV

It was raining very hard and loudly outside as I waited for my Romeo in the dark. We had only known each other for a short while, but it was like we had known each other a thousand years. And there were more to come.

I heard gunshots in the distance as it disturbed my daydream. They had been going on all afternoon. My only hope was Romeo wasn't part of it, and was on his way over to me. I had been waiting since evening and the sun had already set.

It was dark and I was sitting in the rain for my Romeo. Gunshots were heard from a distance as I prayed Romeo didn't contribute. Just waiting. Waiting and daydreaming. Daydreaming and hearing gunshots. And gunshots in the rain.

I was almost completely soaked as my mother came out to the terrace. I had hoped she would look down to see me, but god wasn't really on my side at this point...

"Y/n, wherefore art thee out hither all alone in the rain? What art thee waiting for mine lief? thee could catcheth a cold! cometh back inside whither thee art warm and safe, and I can grant thee a cuppeth of tea," My mother said (Why are you out here all alone in the rain? What are you waiting for my dear? You could catch a cold! Come back inside where you are warm and safe, and I can grant you a cup of tea.)

I sighed as I stood up, the rain still pouring. This is the third night I have been waiting, and yet not a glance of my love. My grandmother has always said "nev'r giveth up on thy dream", but at this point, there was no hope for me and Romeo any longer.

I came inside as my mother was already in my room with a towel and a cup of tea, like she had promised. She wrapped the towel around me in warmth and handed me the hot cup of tea, that smelled just like the lemon trees outside.

"Dearest Daughter, telleth me. What wast thee waiting for so long out in the cold rain for? t hadst to beest important considering thou has't been like this for almost a week. telleth thy mother, what hath been on thy mind?" My mother asked as she comforted me with the towel (Dearest Daughter, tell me. What were you waiting for so long out in the cold rain for? It had to be important considering you have been like this for almost a week. Tell your mother, what has been on your mind?)

"Oh mother, I'm afraid if 't be true I telleth thee, thee wilt no longer love me the same. But since thou has't hath asked so kindly, I guess I could spare thee mine thoughts. thither is this knave, and he hath been through mine headeth a million times. I can't receiveth that gent out. And the worst part, we can't coequal beest together," I sighed. (Oh mother, I'm afraid if I tell you, you will no longer love me the same. But since you have asked so kindly, I guess I could spare you my thoughts. There is this boy, and he has been through my head a million times. I can't get him out. And the worst part, we can't even be together.)

"wherefore doth ever may thee not beest with that gent? I would love for thee to beest joyous no matter what. thee art mine offspring, I must beest joyous for thee. if 't be true thou has't hath found someone, I would wanteth thee to beest with those folk. Spares me the time and effort to findeth thee a love," my mother laughed. (Why do ever may you not be with him? I would love for you to be happy no matter what. You are my offspring, I must be happy for you. If you have found someone, I would want you to be with them. Spares me the time and effort to find you a love.)

"I would twas that easy. But the problem is mother... that gent is a Montague. Therefore, we can't beest together. And now, I can't beest joyous. tis against thy rule that I only marry a Capulet," I confessed. (I wish it was that easy. But the problem is mother... he is a Montague. Therefore, we can't be together. And now, I can't be happy. It is against your rule that I only marry a Capulet.)

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