Love Letters

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(A/n this chapter low key touched my heart to write as I listened to this side of paradise you know the song that goes like 'so if your lonely darling your glowing' idk why I thought it was important to include this but like it adds a cute touch :D)

Y/n's POV

Walking into school was different today, it was my birthday of course! Not that anyone would probably acknowledge my birthday, it still feels good to think about all the things I could do now that I was 17...

Everything at school was the same, except it wasn't...

Opening my locker, a little note in a pink envelope fell out from the door. I looked around, seeing nobody. I slowly picked up the envelope as I pushed it back into my locker with a bunch of other things.

Not even thinking it was a big deal at the moment, it was to someone watching from around the corner...


I sat on my bed as I looked at the pink envelope. Should I even bother to open in? I mean, it's not as if it's gonna be anymore than maybe a happy birthday message.

Sighing, I slowly ripped open the paper mail as a letter stuck or from the corners. I pulled the paper out of the pocket as I was hesitant to open and read the inside.

But I opened it and slowly read from the top to the bottom...

Dear Y/n...

I know you don't think of me as more than a friend, in fact I don't believe you even know my name, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday.

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to tell you I think you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen, and I would like to know each other more.

Hopefully a relationship of any kind could be my gift to you for your happy birthday.

From, secret admirer

PS, meet me at the pines valley library at 3:30pm

The note left me completely flustered, from the first word to the last. I read the last line once more as I checked the time...

3:30... 3:26!

I quickly got up and looked at myself in the mirror before taking off my hoodie and settled with a tank top. The shorts I was wearing were perfectly fine, I guessed. I grabbed my shoes as I quickly slipped them on along with a ponytail in my hair, tying it up high. Wasn't my most formal wear, but I was doubting the fact I'd be spending a lot of my birthday at uh library taking to some stranger.

Hurrying to get out the door, I grabbed my phone and keys to my house as I left the door and decided to walk to the library, since it wasn't that many doors down.

I could only imagine whether it would be someone I dislike, or someone I did. I really had a crush on the quiet kid in school. He was new and kept to himself, but his looks made me attracted to him. And I'd bet he'd be supper nice if I knew him better. Hopefully, he was the one who wrote the heartfelt note.

As I pulled the handle on the door to the book gallery, the shuttle silence surrounded me as I saw from left to right kids reading children books, teens studying, and adults reading literature. I sighed as I wondered where in the big study hall could be potentially the boy of my dreams. The way he or she worded the letter made it touch every bit of my heart, and it would be rude to decline a offer of a relationship, seeing how I'm mostly lonely.

I checked the time on my phone as the screen glared with the letters '3:32' at the top. Turning my attention to what was ahead of me, I looked up to see the only guy from the useless school I go to that I had a crush on...

It was him. Leonardo-

"DiCaprio, what brings you to the library today? I thought you were done studying for tests," the book technique asked the blonde boy sitting at the study table alone.

"I'm waiting for her," Leo said with a bright smile on his face. Was he speaking of me?

"Ahh, I see. Well, good luck to you two, hope you end with a happily ever after!" She said as she went to the romance section of the library. Immigration heart flipped at least a million times just listening to the sound of Leonardo's voice, and the fact he talked about me to the librarian? That's so cute!

Without even realizing it, my excitement had knocked a book off the shelf. It caught some attention and stared from some people in the room, and made a few jump at the sudden sound. I covered my embarrassment with a awkward smile and picked up the book as I pretended to examine the title...

"Shakespeare's Tragedy: Romeo and Juliet," I mumbled as I read the title. I liked the sound of a Romeo and Juliet. As my warming heart took over, I happily tucked the book under my arm to check the book out, before a noticed someone staring straight at me. It was him, he was waiting for me.

I slightly waved as he smiled and waved back, gesturing for me to come sit with him at the table. My smile grew bigger as I happily accepted the offer and walked over to the table he was sitting at and sat from across him.

"I'm guessing your the one who wrote me this letter-?" I asked as I pulled out the love note that was found in my locker this morning. Leo just nodded as a shade of pink dusted his perfect cheek bones and a smile touched the perfect sight. God, if looks could kill!

"Yeah, I know I don't speak a lot at school, and I know I'm not as interesting as the jocks at our school, and I'm probably not the most flirtatious person when it comes to love letters, and I might not even be the hottest guy you've seen, but I'd like to think of myself as a good guy and I was wondering if you were interested in maybe a date?" He spoke out as if declaring his feeling right in the middle of everything going on around us. All I could do was be so flustered as I sat there in shock.

The perfect speaker? He just gave me a whole script of his emotions! Not interesting? I could listen to him talk all day! Not a flirtatious person? He gave me a love letter for my birthday! Not the hottest? I think he hasn't looked in the mirror yet! And I bet he's packin 😏 (NSNSKDNSJ ILL GO HOME-💀)

"Oh Leo, I would love to go on a date with you! Seriously, you try to make me blush sometimes," I say with a light laugh, but quiet enough not to disturb other people in the library.

"Really? Wow, I never thought you would say yes!" Leo said as he smiled wildly and ran his fingers through his beautiful blonde locks. Again, if looks could kill!

(A/n The fucking watermark makes me RAGEEE)

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(A/n The fucking watermark makes me RAGEEE)

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