"Capulets Will Pay Your Price"

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(Romeo Montague x reader)

Disclaimer: this chapter might make you wanna crawl up and die bc it's not a happy ending

Y/n's POV

"thee wilt killeth Romeo Montague, no matter what. I am thy commander, thee taketh orders from me! thy lucky to still beest alive while in love with a Montague. doth as I sayeth or beest hath passed along to the dogs," General commander barked. (You will kill Romeo Montague, no matter what. I am your commander, you take orders from me! Your lucky to still be alive while in love with a Montague. Do as I say or be passed along to the dogs)

I am a Capulet, if you haven't guessed. Not all Capulets are treated as royalty. In fact, I was treated like shit since the day I was born. I was lucky to even be welcomed into the kingdom. I wasn't no Juliet, no. I was a soldier.

Although my job is to protect the Capulets and Kill all Montague's, I had spared a life of one I was about to kill. I had him completely on the ground, about to end his life, before I saw something in him. It told me to stop. So, I let him live. There was something there, and I know we both felt it.

I knew his name very well, as I saw him at the mascaraed ball for the Capulets. After fighting your whole life, you can tell the difference between a Capulet and a Montague. And there was definitely something about Romeo that made my heart stop beating. Or as Romeo said to me, "falling in love".

It was definitely Romeo I had fallen in love with, and it was definitely that Romeo General is going to make me kill.

I left immediately after Generals words, without a gun. I was trying to think of ideas of how to compromise with the Montague's. Maybe I could join them. It maybe they could pretend they killed me and I could hide away with Romeo.

I turned a corner and saw Romeo, The Romeo. I hid as soon as I saw him, but he still spotted me

"Y/n! cometh ov'r hither with me! I would like to see thy beauty once more

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"Y/n! cometh ov'r hither with me! I would like to see thy beauty once more. Please, don't hide from me. Being a Montague wilt not breaketh mine love for thee," Romeo called after me, him and his friend coming after me. I've been caught. (Y/n! Come over here with me! I would like to see your beauty once more. Please, don't hide from me. Being a Montague will not break my love for you)

"Romeo! I must compromise with thee immediately. General of Capulet Industry wanteth thee dead. those gents hath sent me to killeth thee, I needeth thee to hide, pretend to beest dead, or I. thither needeth to beest a way whither either of us needeth to pretend to kicketh the bucket, but still see each other," I informed Romeo and his fellow Montague. (Romeo! I must compromise with you immediately. General of Capulet Industry wants you dead. They sent me to kill you, I need you to hide, pretend to be dead, or I. There needs to be a way where either of us needs to pretend to die, but still see each other)

Romeos friend looked angry, pissed even at my news. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a loaded gun, my eyes widened at his gun as it pointed to me, and bullets fly. The bullet went through my shoulder, which felt as if your arm was just cut off in a duel.

"Y/n!" Romeo hollered as he immediately grabbed me as I was in a trance of almost dying. Romeo looked back to his friend and said, "How could thee? the lady wast trying to holp! Now thou has't hath killed the love of mine life. I wast on the edge of dying ere the lady spared mine life, and now thee taketh hers?" (How could you? She was trying to help! Now you have killed the love of my life. I was on the edge of dying before she spared my life, and now you take hers?)

The next thing I knew, Romeo was carrying me bridal style all the way to Capulet headquarters. He could of nearly been shot on sight if people saw us. Everyone must have thought he was a Capulet since he was saving me, and the only one who knew Romeo was the General and I.

I woke up in my bed, at my house. Very bold of Romeo to find it. My eyes wondered across my body as I looked at my left shoulder, seeing a bandage around my arm. I looked up to see Romeo, who was nearly in tears.

"Romeo, thither is no needeth for crying. It's just a bullet. With the right health, I can beest healed. twas just mine shoulder, not mine heart," I said to Romeo as I held his hand. (Romeo, there is no need for crying. It's just a bullet. With the right health, I can be healed. It was just my shoulder, not my heart.)

"I knoweth Y/n. It's just love looks with the heart, not with the mind, and therefore, Cupid is blind too much to see thee receiveth hurt. I knoweth I've only known thee for a while, but I'd risk mine own life for thee after the sacrifices you've madeth for me," Romeo confessed as he placed his soft lips on mine.(I know Y/n. It's just I love you too much to see you get hurt. I know I've only known you for a while, but I'd risk my own life for you after the sacrifices you've made for me)

As the kiss lasted, I looked down and immediately spotted Romeo's gun. "I'd risk my own life for thee..." Romeo said. I grabbed his gun and pulled away from the love of my life.

"my most humble apology love," I apologized as I placed the gun right above his heart and I pulled the trigger. Bang.

Romeo had fallen straight to the ground as I thought of what I had just done. Tears came to my eyes as I immediately started to cry. I just killed Romeo.

"Y/n, I giveth thee mine heart, and thee putteth a bullet to t? This isn't democracy Y/n. those gents hurt thee, I healed thee, and the same armeth I healed is the same armeth that shot me? I loved thee Y/n," Romeo uttered in a cry. (Y/n, I give you my heart, and you put a bullet to it? This isn't democracy Y/n. They hurt you, I healed you, and the same arm I healed is the same arm that shot me? I loved you Y/n.)

His last words it what really broke me: "Capulets wilt payeth"

He took in his last breathe and I felt his breathe with my hand. Just like that, Romeo Montague is dead. The blood on my hands. I could feel the anger for myself rise up.

"wherefore didst I do't? That wasn't me. I didn't wanteth to killeth Romeo. I wanted to spendeth the rest of mine worthless life with that gent, and now that gent is gone due to me. Not only wast that gent the only one who hath understood me, that gent wast the only one to love me," I sobbed (Why did I do it? That wasn't me. I didn't want to kill Romeo. I wanted to spend the rest of my worthless life with him, and now he is gone due to me. Not only was he the only one who understood me, he was the only one to love me)

It was my fault he's dead, and it will be my fault I'm dead too. I take Romeos same gun and load it with another bullet, putting it up to my head. With one swift click, I die in an instant and can feel my spirit being lifted.

"wherefore didst thee killeth me Y/n?" I heard Romeos spirit day. I saw Romeos Spirit, in which I begged for forgiveness.

"please Romeo, forgive me. But I could not love in a world whither I wast not permitted to beest nor see thee. thou has't to understandeth, I can't liveth through the pain of thee being alive and I can't has't thee," I apologized once again. (please Romeo, forgive me. But I could not love in a world where I was not permitted to be nor see you. You have to understand, I can't live through the pain of you being alive and I can't have you)

"I forgive thee Y/n. Besides, what kind of lover would I beest if 't be true I didn't. love looks with the heart, not with the mind, and therefore, Cupid is blind Y/n," Romeo said. (I forgive you Y/n. Besides, what kind of lover would I be if I didn't. I love you

And even though I was dead, I could still feel every inch of Romeo as he kissed me. Like we were dead, but weren't dead. And even though I was terrible, and he wished his worst on my kingdom, nothing mattered now that we were together, for the rest of our afterlife.

𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 - 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙻. 𝙳𝚒𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚘Where stories live. Discover now